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Comitetul de Miniștri al Consiliului Europei a adoptat Convenția privind manipularea comp. sportive |
Vineri, 19 Septembrie 2014 08:44 |
Conform eurojust.ro , in data de 9.07.2014, Comitetul de Miniștri al Consiliului Europei a adoptat
Convenția privind manipularea competițiilor sportive,
a cărei elaborare a început în octombrie 2012. Secretarul general al Consiliului Europei consideră această Convenție un pas important pentru apărarea integrității sportului și a eticii sportive.
Manipularea competițiilor sportive a luat amploare în 2000, marcată de evoluția tehnologică și dezvoltarea sportului. Ea reprezintă o amenințare la nivel mondial, motiv pentru care Convenția urmează a fi semnată nu doar de statele membre ale Consiliului Europei, ci și de statele non-europene.
Conform articolului 1 din Convenție, aceasta are ca scop:
- prevenirea, detectarea și sancționarea penală și disciplinară a manipulării competițiilor sportive;
- îmbunătățirea schimbului de informații și cooperarea națională și internațională între autoritățile publice implicate, precum și cu organizațiile sportive și operatorii de pariuri sportive.
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Duminică, 14 Septembrie 2014 12:33 |
Stagiu de perfectionare pentru antrenorii, sportivii (incepand cu cadeti) din Departamentul Shito-Ryu FRK si alte Federatii si organizatii.(26-27-28 septembrie 2014)
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Meeting of the WKF with Japan Olympic Committee President Mr. Tsunekazu Takeda |
Vineri, 12 Septembrie 2014 20:05 |
WKF President Mr. Antonio Espinós and JKF President Mr. Takashi Sasagawa met JOC President and Tokyo 2020 Vice-president Mr. Tsunekazu Takeda on September 1, 2014 in Tokyo. Mr. Shigeo Kurihara (JKF Vice-president) and Mr. Toshihisa Nagura (WKF EC member) also attended the meeting.
It was an extremely active and meaningful meeting, exchanging opinions in a friendly atmosphere, looking towards the Tokyo Olympics 2020. It was a historic meeting for WKF.
During the meeting, WKF President Mr. Espinos and JKF President Mr. Sasagawa explained that Karate is ready to be in the Olympics and that they guarantee a high level of competition at the Olympics. Considering there is no need for new facilities, the ease of adjusting to the number of participating competitors, and the know-how of WKF and JKF in organising a world-level championship, they stressed the symbolic meaning of karate competition, a global sport originated in Japan, during the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
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SportAccord President clarifies plans of United World Championships |
Miercuri, 10 Septembrie 2014 21:13 |
SportAccord President Clarifies plans of United World Championships
SportAccord president, Marius Vizer has taken note of an article in Around the Rings that has mis-quoted him regarding SportAccord’s plans to organize a United World Championships.
During a press conference at the World Judo Championships in Chelyabinsk in Russia, responding to a question from an Around the Rings representative, on what the plans for a United World Championship may be, Mr. Vizer had stated, “If one day the member federations of SportAccord would like to see the creation of a United World Championship as a requirement and an opportunity, while at the same time all international federations would support such an idea unanimously, we can discuss the concept and sculpt it into an event that would be neither a competitor to nor against the Olympic Games.”
Additionally, Mr. Vizer expressed during the Olympic Summit that the target of SportAccord is to develope the multi-sport events organised under its umbrella (the World Combat Games, the World Mind Games, the World Urban Games and the World Beach Games).
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