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Duminică, 23 Noiembrie 2014 21:39


Children, Cadets, Juniors, Senior, Veterans Individual and Team Categories

Registrations will be held through www.sportdata.org until 18th December 2014


All official registrations will be done 18 December , 2014 starting at 09:00 in the following adress;

Headquarter Hotel ;AKGUN HOTEL Aksaray Istanbul

The event is open to all official licenced Referee’s by their National and Continental Federation. WKF

Referee’s accommodation will be covered by the organiser. WKF Referee’s will be paid Daily 50 €.

The event is open to all Federations, Regions, Shotokan, Shitoryu, Wadoryu, Gojuryu clubs individuals and

Teams which will compete under the sole WKF Competition rules.

All athletes in medal table will receive Karate -gi, Tshirt and sporting materials sponsored by Kihon Ltd, Elit Ltd, Ustado Ltd.


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The new changes in the rules effective from 1st of January 2015 for kumite and kata PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 17 Noiembrie 2014 16:25

   Schimbari  in  regulile  WKF





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Davide Benetello a fost ales președinte al Comisiei sportivilor și al Comitetului Executiv WKF PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 15 Noiembrie 2014 15:39



   After a journey of 22 years in the WKF and six years in the WKF Athletes Commission, after the last election in Bremen in 2014 with the election of the last two athletes in the Commission, I was elected President of the Athletes' Commission and as per WKF statute member of WORLD KARATE FEDERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

By far one of the most prestigious goals of my Sports career.

I am very satisfied about my journey, keeping my ideals, my principles of honesty and fairness, by engaging every day in the WKF (I'm also a member of the WKF Rules Commission, Sports Commission, Entourage commission) I’m now holding a position into the WKF Executive Committee presided by the WKF President Mr. Antonio Espinos, with the same spirit that has characterized my entire career.

I really want to contribute even more to "OUR KARATE” !!!


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Intrunire la nivel inalt organizata de Comitetul Olimpic si Sportiv Roman PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 15 Noiembrie 2014 08:23

                 Presedintele COSR a propus un

Acord National pe zece ani pentru sportul romanesc


    La intrunirea la nivel inalt organizata de Comitetul Olimpic si Sportiv Roman (COSR), la Complexul “Sydney 2000” din Izvorani, alaturi de Alin Petrache si Ioan Dobrescu, presedintele si respectiv secretarul general ai COSR, au fost prezenti Victor Ponta, primul ministru al Romaniei, Gabriela Szabo, ministrul Tineretului si Sportului, si numeroase personalitati ale sportului romanesc. In prim-planul evenimentului s-a aflat propunerea lansata de presedintele COSR privind elaborarea unui Acord National pe zece ani pentru sportul romanesc.

“Sportul romanesc a ajuns la un moment de rascruce”, a spus Alin Petrache.

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