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Campionatul Naţional de Pangration Athlima 13–14 Aprilie 2019 PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 10 Martie 2019 18:15



Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: 2 persoane, oameni în picioare, oameni mergând, în aer liber şi text
    Competiţia se va desfăşura în perioada de 13–14.04.2019, la Sala de Sport a Liceului ,,Mircea Eliade”, Str. Splaiul Independentei, Nr. 315-317, Sector 6, Bucureşti, începînd cu ora 09.30

Probe de concurs:
PALAISMATA – categorii: feminin, masculin, mixt: (-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18-20), (+20), (+35);
POLYDAMAS – categorii: feminin, masculin, mixt: (18-20), (+20), (+35);
Pangration Athlima:
AGON IMIEPAFIS (semicontact) – categorii: feminin, masculin: (-9), (10-11), (12-14), (15-17), (18-20), (+20), (+35);

AGON (full contact) – categorii: feminin, masculin: (15-17), (18-20), (+20), (+35);
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Campionatul Național de Kungfu PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 10 Martie 2019 18:09

                    Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni şi text

            Federația Română de Wushu Kungfu organizează Campionatul Național de Kungfu, în perioada 23-24 martie 2019, la Izvorani (Complexul Olimpic „Sydney 2000”). Campionatul va cuprinde probe de Qinda (luptă în sistem light contact) și Taolu tradițional.

        Detalii: http://wushu.ro/?p=2964 În atenția cluburilor sportive: Înscrierile se pot face până pe 15 martie!


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Campionatul National de Karate Traditional Fudokan pentru Copii, Cadeti, Juniori, Tineret si Seniori PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 07 Martie 2019 08:20

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni şi text

    Campionatul National de Karate Traditional Fudokan pentru Copii, Cadeti, Juniori, Tineret si Seniori - zona Ardeal - editia a XXVIII-a, organizat de clubul de karate ACS RONIN Deva, si Federatia Romana de Karate Traditional are loc in perioada 8 - 10 martie 2019 in Deva, jud. Hunedoara.

    Competitia de karate se va desfasura in Sala Sporturilor din Deva si va avea urmatorul program:

Vineri, 8 martie 2019
19:30 - 21:00: antrenament, sedinta tehnica de arbitraj
Sambata, 09 martie 2019
09:00 - 10:00: stagiu tehnic de karate
10:00 - 13:30: competitie
13:30 - 15:00: pauza de masa
15:00 - 15:30: deschiderea oficiala a competitie de karate, defilarea cluburilor
15:30 - 20:00: competitie
Duminica, 10 martie 2019
10:00 - 14:00: finalele competitie de karate

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5th WGKF Championship in Malaysia PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 06 Martie 2019 14:09


5thWGKF CHAMPIONSHIP2019“A trophy carries dust, Memories last forever”
Dear Goju friends from all over the world,It is with great expectation and enthusiasm for our coming 5thWGKF Championship that I write these words.For those of you who have never visited Malaysia I can assure you that it will be an unforgettable experience, since our Asian friends usually offerus quite impressive events.I invite you all to come to Kuala Lumpur next September, and bring more and more neighbour countries and to deepen this unique project, in a championship that joinsall the lines of our style, making this the true absolute championship in Goju-ryu.At a time of great challenges to our art world-wide, it is increasingly our duty and obligation to intransigently defend Master Miyagi's legacy. The art does not exist without its styles, denying it is betraying the legacy of generations and making the art one aseptic entity whose standards we do not know.I think no other Federation is completely open to others as ours and that gives us legitimacy and a role no one can deny.The art born in Okinawa has nothing to do with politics but, unhappily, it is increasingly being pushed into these swamps. It is our task to prevent Goju-ryu of being dragged into these murky waters.I have absolute confidence inyou, my Goju friends all over the world to help us surpass thesetroubled waters and to make our beloved Goju-ryu great, which is just what we want, leaving politics and murky waters to others interested in thatissue.I hope to see you soon and strong inKuala Lumpur, for an unforgettable experience and superb Championship.Yours in GojuHumberto Nuno de Oliveira

1Participation Fees 35.00 per contestant
120.00 per team (KataorKumite)
12.2Additional Categories
35.00 per Individual Category
12.3 Referees Seminar(Briefing)35per head
12.4Referee Course (for WGKF license)100per head
12.5Coaches Seminar(Briefing)35per head
12.6Coaches Course (for WGKF license)100per head
12.7Master’s SeminarTo be advised
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