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World Karate Federation va testa noi reguli de arbitraj! PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 04 Decembrie 2021 19:11


    Pentru inceput, mentionam ca sistemul in etapele de Premier League se va schimba, avand acces doar 32 de luptatori, pe fiecare categorie, primii 32 in ordinea clasamentului. Astfel, fiecare etapa va contine 8 grupe, cu 4 luptatori, urmand ca primii 8 din clasamentul mondial sa fie si capi de serie in respectivele grupe. Victoria va fi recompensata cu 3 puncte, egalul cu 1 punct, iar meciurile incheiate 0-0, nu vor aduce niciun punct vreunui sportiv in grupa.

La proba de kata, vor fi necesare maximum 5 katasuri, unul putand fi repetat dar nu in succesiune imediata sau proba eliminatorie. 

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IOC and UNODC extend collaboration to fight corruption and crime in sport PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 10 Noiembrie 2021 15:03
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) extended their memorandum of understanding (MoU) to further strengthen the cooperation between the two organisations in fighting corruption and crime in sport.

The new agreement has a particular focus on preventing youth crime, violence and drug use through sport and was signed today at Olympic House in Lausanne, Switzerland, by IOC President Thomas Bach and UNODC Executive Director Ghada Waly.

“The IOC is a values-based organisation. Therefore, we have the duty to uphold good governance and integrity,” said the IOC President. “This MoU will greatly strengthen the cooperation between the IOC and UNODC. We will cooperate in a number of different areas, specifically on capacity-building, training programmes and awareness-raising events that aim to tackle corruption and crime in sport. In addition, we collaborate in the prevention of the manipulation of sports competitions. Through the extended cooperation, we will also use sport as a tool to prevent youth crime, violence and drug use.”

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Campionatul national de karate SHYTO-RYU PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 06 Octombrie 2021 18:25

                                Campionatul  national de karate SHYTO-RYU







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Miercuri, 29 Septembrie 2021 10:18
Ar putea fi o imagine cu text
10 Octombrie 2021, Bucuresti
Premiem cel mai bun club din tara!
Probele de concurs sunt grupate astfel:
Grupa 1:
Freestyle Semi
Freestyle Light
Grupa 2:
Freestyle Kick
Freestyle K1 Light
Grupa 3:
Freestyle Kickboxing
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