Ştiri, evenimente
Record Mondial la kata simultan |
Joi, 02 Iulie 2015 18:55 |
New world record established in Raleigh, over 1000 karateka
practicing together kata Heian Shodan. The leader is sensei Vladimir Jorga.
1000 athletes will attempt to set a new world record for simultaneous performance
of karate sequence.
Top finishers will receive medals, trophies, and an invitation to be selected to the
National Teams traveling to Brazil this fall or to Ireland next spring.
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Ştiri, evenimente
Joi, 25 Iunie 2015 11:25 |
DUMINICA 28 iunie 2015, in aceeasi locatie, va avea loc TURNEUL CAMPIONILOR "MEMORIAL SORIN MARITESCU" ( se vor califica pentru Turneul Campionilor, sportivii seniori de la proba kumite care obtin locul 1 si 2 de la fiecare categorie de greutate la Cupa Romaniei si vor lupta in sistem turneu la acest concurs, categoria Open), incepand cu ora 10.00
Evenimentul va fi transmis LIVE on line de Total Media News pe : - www.total-media-news.ro .......................... transmisii Live ( ID- free, parola - free ) - www.karate.info.ro..................................... transmisii Live ( ID- free, parola - free ) - www.tmn-tv.ro - www.tmn-tv.net
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Vote:Ce sport Doriți Adaugat la Jocurile Olimpice din 2020 ? |
Miercuri, 24 Iunie 2015 20:59 |
Ce sport doriți Adaugat la Jocurile Olimpice din 2020 ?
The Tokyo 2020 organizing committee on Monday announced the eight possible sports that could be added to the Summer Olympic Games five years from now, including karate and baseball as well as bowling and wushu.
According to the committee, the eight international federations representing each sport will have until July 22 to submit further details of their plans. The committee will then pick one or more additional events and propose it to the International Olympic Committee, which will make the final decision at the 129th IOC session in Rio de Janeiro in August 2016.
The committee earlier this month had announced that 26 sports had applied for inclusion in the 2020.
Olympics. Those who didn’t make the cut include American football, billiards, chess, sumo and tug of war.
Here is a list of the eight sports that could be added to the Summer Olympic Games in 2020.
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Ştiri, evenimente
Senatorul Șerban Valeca a fost ales președinte al United European Karate-do Federation (UEKF) |
Vineri, 19 Iunie 2015 15:57 |
Senatorul PSD Șerban Valeca, președinte de onoare al Federației Române de Karate Tradițional, a fost ales cu unanimitate de voturi, la conducerea United European Karate-do Federation (UEKF), structură ce reunește toate federațiile de profil din Europa.
UEKF - United European Karate-do Federation
Nuclear Scientist and current Senator of Romanian Parliament Dr. Serban Valeca, 7th Dan, traditional karate (WFF) has been unanimously elected as the President of UEKF - United European Karate-do Federation whereas Dr. Danielle Lazzarini, PhD, the General Secretary and Vice President of the IKU – International Karate Union has been unanimously elected to the office of the General Secretary of the UEKF.
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