Ştiri, evenimente
Vineri, 21 Octombrie 2016 09:39 |
27 noiembrie 2016 sala ANTILOPA- Bucuresti
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Ştiri, evenimente
Luni, 17 Octombrie 2016 13:24 |
Ata Martial Arts was established in 2006, is Turkey's first internationally recognized martial art .
We have already made national and international events have been appreciated by all participants .
Dear friends, that we have made in a short period of time as a result of successful work of art Ata Defense has been working as an international federation in 2008. Dear friends, I am sending you this message to invite you to our Full-Contact, Semi-Contact and Light-Contact championships. All of the said championships will take place on the 3rd and 4th of December 2016 in İstanbul.
Participants will be divided as tiny men & women, young men & women, and adults men & women in the championship which is being organized due to our federation's event schedule for 2016. We are excited to welcome you in İstanbul for this event.
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Ştiri, evenimente
HG nr. 720/2016 privind modificarea Normelor financiare pentru activitatea sportivă ( HG 1447/2007) |
Vineri, 07 Octombrie 2016 13:07 |
Hotărârea nr. 720/2016 privind modificarea Normelor financiare
pentru activitatea sportivă, aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1.447/2007
În temeiul art. 108 din Constituţia României, republicată,
Guvernul României adoptă prezenta hotărâre.
Art. I. -
Normele financiare pentru activitatea sportivă, aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1.447/2007,
publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 823 din 3 decembrie 2007, cu modificările şi
completările ulterioare, se modifică după cum urmează:
1. La articolul 13, alineatele (1)-(3) vor avea următorul cuprins:
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Ştiri, evenimente
8th European Shotokan Championships and WSF World Shotokan Cup |
Marţi, 27 Septembrie 2016 20:30 |
8th European Shotokan Championships and WSF World Shotokan Cup will be held in Batumi Georgia on 11-12-13 November 2016.
On 9-10 November 2106 there is seminar with Hanshi Sadeshige KATO 9.Dan Gogita Arkania 2014 WKF World Champion in Batumi Sporthall.
Dear Shotokan friends, As we already know, the Shotokan Style is widespread, is the largest Style of Karate-Do as Martial Art.
These WSFs event s,the 8 European Shotokan Championships & WSF World Cup 2016, it will be a big occasion and opportunity for all of you to compete and to spend wonderful moments of your life in the unique and fascinating atmosphere City of Batumi.
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