Ştiri, evenimente
Campionatul Național de Chanbara 2017 |
Marţi, 13 Iunie 2017 08:13 |
Am plăcerea de a vă invita la Campionatul Național de Chanbara 2017 în data de 17 iunie. Campionatul se va desfășura începând cu ora 09:00 în cadrul Complexului Olimpic Izvorani!
Probele din cadrul campionatului național sunt Kihon Dosa, Kodachi, Tate Kodachi, Choken Katate.
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Ştiri, evenimente
Campionatul National Ashihara Karate 2017 - kumite copii&cadeti |
Joi, 08 Iunie 2017 10:14 |
Clubul de Arte Martiale IMPRESSION are deosebita placere de a va invita sa participati la Campionatul National de Ashihara Karate 2017 – proba kumite, copii si cadeti, eveniment organizat in parteneriat cu Federatia Romana de Arte Martiale.
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Ştiri, evenimente
Stagiu internațional Karate-Do Shotokan |
Luni, 05 Iunie 2017 16:09 |
Stagiu internațional Karate-Do Shotokan, condus de Instructor-Șef W.S.K.F. Hitoshi Kasuya. Evenimentul va avea loc în perioada 9 - 11 iunie 2017, Bucuresti - România. Eveniment organizat de W.S.K.F. România și Federația Română de Autoapărare.
International Karate-Do Shotokan seminar, led by W.S.K.K. Chief-Instructor Hitoshi Kasuya. The event shall take place between June 9 - 11th 2017, Bucharest - Romania. Event organized by W.S.K.F. Romania and the Romanian
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Ştiri, evenimente
Japanese schoolchildren invited to pick the Tokyo 2020 mascot! |
Luni, 29 Mai 2017 15:18 |
Tokyo 2020 is proposing an original process to choose the Olympic and Paralympic mascots. A national competition open to all people living in Japan was presented on 22 May. A shortlist drawn up by a panel of experts will then be submitted to all of the country’s schoolchildren, who will vote to decide upon the winners!
In Rio in 2016, a public vote was organised to choose the name of the Olympic and Paralympic mascots. For the Olympic Games, over 320,000 voters were registered, and “Vinicius” was chosen in homage to Brazilian musician Vinicius de Moraes. Vinicius was a mix of various animals from Brazilian fauna. His design was inspired by pop culture and characters from video games and animation. With his Paralympic Games counterpart, Vinicius represented the diversity of the Brazilian culture and people, as well as its abundant nature.
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