
World Shotokan Karate Association Elections PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 31 Iulie 2010 08:18
Centrally located in the city of Basel in Switzerland, the World Shotokan Karate Association held in istanbul 1 World Shotokan Karate Championships in total, 890 athletes from IBB Fatih Sports Salonun'da with the participation of 33 countries began.

    Championship before Akgun Hotel Congress in Turkey Karate Federation President Assad DELİHASAN unanimously World Shotokan Karate Association President is chosen, the Federation of International Coordinator Ercument TAŞDEMİR World Shotokan Karate Association General Secretary unanimously elected.




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Ştiri, evenimente
1st World Goju - Ryu Karate Championship 2010 /Portugalia PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 29 Iulie 2010 12:33

The World Goju-Ryu Karate Federation (WGKF) inspired by the success and example of the European Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (EGKF), and after the success of the Pre-World Championship held in Marscianno (Italy), in 2006, has decided to held the 1st World Goju-Ryu Karate Championship. The first since it is really the first open to all the lines and schools of our style.

It will be held in Cascais (Portugal), from 29th of September to 3rd of October 2010 after decision taken by EGKF, and supported by the Oceania Goju-Ryu Karate Federation, the Asian Goju-Ryu Karate Federation and the African Goju-Ryu Karate Federation. This is the event we present you and invite you to participate at.

I hope to see you all in Cascais 2010. Help us to make Goju stronger!

The President of WGKF

Humberto Nuno de Oliveira


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1st World Shotokan Karate Championships PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 18 Iulie 2010 11:50

  In  perioada  30 iulie - 1 august  2010   va  avea  loc la  Istanbul/Turcia     primul  " Campionat  Mondial  de  Karate  Shotokan ".

  La  acest  campionat  mondial  , Romania  este  reprezentata  de  un  lot  numeros  de  sportivi  condus  de  sensei  Adrian Popescu Sacele.

 La  acest  Cmpionat Mondial  participa  circa  890 de  sportivi  din  33  de  tari.

  Uram  SUCCES  sportivilor  , si   cit  mai  multe  medalii  !

 Citeste  rezultatele  :...
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Vineri, 09 Iulie 2010 15:44
In sezonul estival 2010, Hotel  IAKI  din Mamaia lanseaza o serie de programe speciale pentru toti oaspetii hotelului, pe partea de „timp liber si divertisment”.

   Echipa  Hotelului  IAKI  este nerabdatoare sa intampine cat mai multi turisti in acest sezon estival si sa le pregateasca acestora noi surprize.
     Incepand cu 16 Mai 2010, la IAKI micul dejun si pranzul se contopesc acum in ... Sunday Brunch. Dupa o saptamana istovitoare sau o petrecere prelungita sambata seara, pentru cei carora le este prea greu sa ajunga la micul dejun, dar este prea devreme sa inceapa cu pranzul, IAKI   le-a pregatit un mic dejun combinat cu un pranz, prin LAZY  SUNDAY  BRUNCH  la restaurant Coriolis (bufet variat, muzica live, animatie si loc de joaca pentru copii) in fiecare duminica intre orele 12.00 – 16.00.
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