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ARAWAZA CUP 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 09 Ianuarie 2014 21:43




                      Dear new starters, coaches, and visitors

of the ARAWAZA-CUP 2013 in the city   of Haendel HALLE/SAALE.

The Lord Mayor of Halle/Saale,   Sir Dr. Bernd Wiegand,

has taken over the patronage of our   Karate championship.

    You have the possibility to take part on a guided tour through Halle for

free on Friday the 26th, March 2012.

    You will find further information under:

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ARBITRII LICENTIATI PE 2014 - karate-- Federatia Romana de Karate PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 05 Ianuarie 2014 23:13

Crt.     NUME SI PRENUME    --Kata :JUDGE         /       Kumite  : JUDGE--      REFREE

1 ABOD ATTILA A A Sf.Gheorghe / Covasna 1 DAN Shotokan
3 AYDIN ANISOARA A A Bucuresti 2 DAN Goju Ryu
4 BADEA CORNEL B B Sacele / Brasov 2 DAN Shotokan
5 BALAN ALINA IOANA B B Pucioasa / Dambovita 1 DAN Shito Ryu
6 BARNUTIU ROLAND NU B Bucuresti 1 DAN Shotokan
7 BATAIOSU ION ALBERT B B Pucioasa / Dambovita 1 DAN Shito Ryu
8 BATSCHI ADRIAN NU B Bucuresti 1 DAN Goju Ryu
9 BATSCHI ANDREEA NU B Bucuresti 1 DAN Goju Ryu
10 BICA RUXANDRA-ELENA B B Bucuresti (Targoviste / Dambovita) 1 DAN Shito Ryu
11 BILA ANDREEA-RALUCA B B Ramnicu Valcea / Valcea 1 DAN Shotokan
12 BOGA ADRIANA IOANA NU B Bucuresti (Reghin / Mures) 2 DAN Shotokan

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Mega All Styles World Championship – 11 a 13 Abril 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 30 Decembrie 2013 22:22

    The ICKKF World Federation & WAC, after the success of the 1º,2º & 3º All Styles World Championships , decided to sponsor the 4nd All Styles World Championships 2014.


    This event will take place in Vagos (Portugal) from 11 to 13 April 2014 and has the support of the Municipality of Vagos, Portuguese State, ICKKF Worldwide, WAC, among many others.

    For 2014, they are expected more than 4,000 competitors from 70 countries, making the event a milestone.

   The Portuguese Federation of Lohan Tao and WAC Portugal are responsible for the event to which we invite you to participate.

Hope to see you there.

WAC President
Bruno J. e Silva de Sousa Rebelo


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Simon Ammann castiga la Oberstdorf ! PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 29 Decembrie 2013 19:51


          Astazi , 29 Decembrie , in fata a circa 30,000 spectatori ce au platit intre 26 euro si 200 euro in functie de locul opat in arena , a inceput a 62-a editie a legendarului Turneu al celor 4 Trambuline , la Oberstdorf in Germania .

          Conditiile au fost ca intotdeauna la inaltime , iar ca o noutate gazdele au adus o imprimare laser pe zapada ce arata leaderul sau performanta ce trebuie batuta ,vantul fiind singurul aspect ce a furat putin din spectacol.

          Prima mansa a fost condimentata atat de surprize neplacute  , Stoch si Schlierenzauer , cat si de surprize placute , Thomas Diethart sau Peter Prevc , fiind castigata de Simon Ammann.

Astfel dupa doua manse destul de bune , Simon Ammann , castiga cu un total de peste 300 de puncte competitia de pe Schattenberg Schanze fiind urmat de Bardal si , pe ultima treapta a podiumului la egalitate Diethart si Peter Prevc .In imediata apropiere a podimului s-au clasat Thomas Morgenstern , cu doua evolutii foarte bune la revenire si Noriaki Kasai . Stoch si Schlierenzauer au urcat si ei destule pozitii dar nu suficient pentru a emite pretentii la primele pozitii , fiind dezamagirile competitiei.


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