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the 22nd World Senior Championships karate WKF PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 01 Noiembrie 2014 20:51


   The online registration of athletes for the 22nd World Senior Championships in Bremen has now closed and the names of the participants are disclosed.Over the next week, all karate eyes will turn to Bremen, Germany.

    From Wednesday 5th to Sunday 9th of November, around 900 athletes from at least 107 nations will compete to become the new World Karate Champions of one of the 16 existing categories. In individual categories, 8 champions of the last edition in Paris two years ago, will fight to hold on to their title of world champions, namely Alexandra Recchia (France, Fem -50Kg), Lucie Ignace (France, Fem -55Kg), Kayo Someya (Japan, Fem -68Kg), Nadège Ait Ibrahim (France, Fem +68Kg), Antonio Diaz (Venezuela, Male Kata), Magdy Hanafy (Egypt, Male -67Kg), Luigi Busa (Italy, Male -75 Kg) and Enes Erkan (Turkey, Male +84Kg).Along with the reigning World Champions, most of the Grand Winners of 2014 season will also be present in Bremen. The French Alexandra Recchia is the only athlete with both titles.

   The other Grand Winners, Sara Cardin (Italy, Fem -55Kg), Anita Serogina (Ukraine, Fem -61Kg), Inga Sheroziya (Russia, Fem -68Kg), Helena Kuusisto (Finland, Fem +68Kg), Vu Duc Minh Dack (France, Male Kata), Luca Maresca (Italy, Male -60Kg), Dome Szegedi (Hungary, Male -67Kg), Stanislav Horuna (Ukraine, Male -75kg) and Berat Jakupi (FYR of Macedonia, Male -84Kg), will thus fight to win their first world title in the senior category.

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Sign this petition ! Karate @ 2020 Olympics PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 01 Noiembrie 2014 16:02
  • Petitioning 全日本空手道連盟


            - KARATE into the Olympics 2020 -



Signature-collecting Campaign for Karate into the Olympics 2020

Looking forward to the Tokyo Olympics 2020, Japan Karatedo Federation has been making every effort for the inclusion of Karate into the Olympics with the support of Nippon Budo-kan, Japan Budo Association, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Promotion of the Tokyo Olympics 2020, which has been set up with more than 110 members from both Houses of Parliament.

Now we are in the middle of our signature-collecting campaign together with JKF members and all karate fans.

The inclusion of Karate to the Olympics gives hopes and dreams to everybody in the karate world and also to the next generation.

In order to publicise the overwhelming wave of passionate vocal support for Karate to the Olympics to the world, as well as in Japan, we would like to ask your full support for and cooperation with this signature-collecting campaign.


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Adidas a primit o ofertă de 1,7 miliarde de euro pentru Reebok PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 21 Octombrie 2014 20:42

    Adidas a primit o ofertă de 1,7 miliarde de euro pentru divizia Reebok, din partea unui consorţiu de investitori din Hong Kong şi Abu Dhabi, al doilea mare producător de articole sportive la nivel mondial trebuind să decidă viitorul afacerii care i-a adus pierderi în ultima perioadă.


        Conform  MEDIAFAX  ,firma de investiţii Jynwel Capital, în asociere cu mai multe fonduri din Abu Dhabi, a înaintat directorilor Adidas o ofertă nesolicitată pentru Reebok, potrivit unor persoane apropiate situaţiei, informează The Wall Street Journal.

Grupul care a iniţiat această ofertă consideră că divizia Reebok ar avea rezultate mult mai bune decât în prezent, dacă ar fi o entitate independentă.

Acţiunile Adidas au avansat cu 8,1% pe bursa din Frankfurt, după răspândirea informaţiei legate de oferta primită de compania germană. Preţul acţiunilor Adidas au scăzut cu aproximativ 40% în acest an.

Adidas a cumpărat compania americană Reebok în 2006 pentru 3 miliarde de euro, în încercarea de a creşte vânzările Adidas din Statele Unite. Reebok nu a reuşit, însă, să obţină contractele dorite cu Liga Naţională de Fotbal şi Liga Naţională de Hochei din SUA, ceea ce a determinat o scădere a veniturilor aduse de această divizie a Adidas.

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International Marmara Cup - ISTANBUL 19-21 DECEMBER 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 19 Octombrie 2014 18:40


Dear Ladies and Gentelmen,

1st International Marmara Cup will be held on 19-21 December 2014 in Istanbul Bagcilar Olympic Sporthall with  Children, Cadets, Juniors, Seniors, Veterans Individual and Team Categories.


Registrations will be done on www.sportdata.org and the final registrations will held in Akgun Hotel on 18th of December, 2014 

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