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Miercuri, 18 Martie 2015 15:41



Competitia care aduna la startul sau an de an sute de sportivii legitimati in cadrul FR Karate WKC isi va deschide portile sambata 21 Martie 2015 la Sala Sporturilor din orasul Medias.

Pe durata a 8 ore sute de copii, sportivi componenti ai cluburilor affiliate la FRK WKC isi vor disputa multravnitul trofeu de “ Campion National FRK WKC 2015“

La startul acestei editii componentii cluburilor nou afiliate federatiei vor incerca sa dovedeasca nivelul lor de pregatire si sa se integreze in lotul federatiei .



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SPORTACCORD a deschis un birou in MOSCOVA PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 17 Martie 2015 19:13



  Președintele SportAccord, Marius Vizer L.  a  inaugurat  la  Moscova  un  birou regional al SportAccord    Moscova.

17 martie: SportAccord este mândru să anunțe deschiderea primului sediu regional la Moscova, Rusia.
    Sediul regional  a  fost inaugurat luni șaisprezece   martie  , în prezența oficialilor sportive distins, legende sportive și invitați speciali,incluziv  Presedintele  SportAccord Marius L. Vizer;si .................


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WKF implements the revised 2015 World Anti-Doping Code PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 15 Martie 2015 10:40


   The new WKF Anti-Doping Rules, which have been formally declared in line by the World Anti-Doping Agency on 18 December 2014, have come into effect on 1st January 2015. The new document can be downloaded on the WKF’s anti-doping webpage on http://www.wkf.net/pdf/2015-wkf-anti-doping-rules.pdf 


   “WKF welcomes the revised Code approach that provides tougher sanctions for intentional cheats, while more flexibility is permitted in sanctioning such cases where an Athlete can demonstrate inadvertent doping and that he or she was not cheating”, said Rafael Arriaza, Chairman of the WKF Medical Commission.  “In addition, WKF acknowledges the new “Technical Document for Specific Analysis” as an effort to adopt smarter and more effective testing programs to address particular doping risks, rather than the former “one size fits all” approach”.

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World Karate Federation President Antonio Espinos speaks during a press conference in Tokio PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 11 Martie 2015 19:21

Karate bidding to be included in program at 2020 Olympics


    World Karate Federation President Antonio Espinos speaks during a press conference at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015. Karate is making a push to be part of the program for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. New reforms by the IOC have

TOKYO (AP) Karate is making a push to be part of the program for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

New reforms by the IOC have given karate officials renewed hope that the martial art could be added to the Tokyo games and the head of the World Karate Federation is meeting with 2020 organizers to make his case for the sport's inclusion.

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