
Mega Hawaiian Kangoo Party "Aloha!" PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 27 Aprilie 2012 15:00

       Mega Hawaiian Kangoo Party "Aloha!"

  Si ultima zi de inscriere la Oxana Misescu si Andreea Zaragiu: 0744324872



5th Youth World Cup & Camp, 2-8 July, Greece PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 26 Aprilie 2012 15:55




Dear participant,

After the four first successful editions, we face in 2012 the 5th edition of the WKF Youth Camp and World Cup but in a karate1 format.


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WKF President visited Palestin PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 17 Aprilie 2012 11:55

The WKF President visited Palestine and the Palestinian Karate Federation in the

last days of 2011. He was received in the city of Betlehem by the President of the

Palestine Karate Federation, General Mohamed Al Bakry, and following he held a

meeting with the leadership of the Federation, after which he met the major of the

city of Hebron Mr. Amin Bsharat.


Then in the city of Ramala he was received by the President of the Palestine

National Authority Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, and finally the President of the Palestine

Olympic Committee, Major General Jibril Mahmoud Muhammad Rajoub, offered a

dinner; during the dinner the Prime Minister of Palestine Mr. Salam Fayyad paid a

visit of courtesy to the WKF President.

Campionatului Internaţional Open de Karate PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 22 Aprilie 2012 17:48

Campionatului International Open de Karate intitulat Open-ul Bihorului & Ziua Campionilor premiat cu Trofeul ”Toamna Orădeană” sub egida Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetării, Tineretului si Sportului.


Găsiti    informatii detaliate despre evenimentul sportiv mai jos în învitatie.

În speranta că v-am
stârnit interesul, rămâne să ne întâlnim la Oradea pe 29 septembrie 2012.
Cu deosebită consideratie,
Prof. Vaida Ioan
Presedintele Comisiei de organizare


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Luni, 09 Aprilie 2012 14:32

     Putem  ajuta  SPORTUL  si  SPORTIVII  prin  directionarea  a  2%  din  impozitul  ce  l-am  dat   deja  la  stat 



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