
Antonio Espinos new Vice-President of SportAccord PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 17 Iunie 2013 11:24

      The Council is the executive organ of SportAccord and carries out the policies established by the Members.


     The Council consists of eight people:

  • 1 President, elected by the General Assembly;
  • 2 members designated by the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF);
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José García Maañón(ARG) is a new President The Executive Committee of PKF PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 15 Iunie 2013 22:31

  The 27th PKF Senior Championships took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, between the 15th and the 17th May. The WKF President Antonio Espinós was present in this very important event.

Emerson Velásquez (PKF Vice-President), José García Maañón (PKF President), Antonio Espinós (WKF President), William Millerson (WKF 1st Vice-President), Arturo Castillo (PKF General Secretary), José Ramírez (PKF Vice-President).

   Mr. William Millerson has retired after a successful 20 year presidency as president of the Pan-American Karate Federation, and was appointed as PKF Honorary President for life. The new PKF President is José García Maañon from Argentina.


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SCRIMĂ - Campionatul European - Zagreb, PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 13 Iunie 2013 12:24

          Cea mai importantă competiție continentală urmează să se desfășoare în acest weekend la Zagreb .

       La această ediție a Campionatului European de seniori, CSA Steaua va fi reprezentat de șapte sportivi înscriși în probele de sabie, floretă și spadă atât la masculin și feminin, individual și pe echipe.

      Spadasina Simona Pop, împreună cu Ana Maria Brânză și Maria Udrea, vor lupta pentru o medalie cu echipa națională de spadă care ne-a adus glorie anul acesta la etapele de Cupă Mondială.


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Campionatul European Shito-Ryu 2013 PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 13 Iunie 2013 20:30


        In Slovacia, la Nove Zamky , are loc in acest weekend prima editie a Campionatului European de Shito-Ryu repartizata cadetilor , juniorilor si seniorilor.Campionatul se intinde pe durata acestui weekend 15-16.Iunie.2013.


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WSKU will organise 5th European Shotokan Karate Championships on 4-5-6 Octombrie 2013 PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 11 Iunie 2013 18:31

     World Shotokan Karate Union WSKU will organise 5th European Shotokan Karate Championships

                     on 4-5-6 October 2013 in Bursa, Turkey.


                All styles can participate to the Kumite section.



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