
Wado International Karate-Do Federation PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 22 Ianuarie 2014 17:04

   Welcome to the official web site for the Wado International Karate-Do Federation as designated by the late Tatsuo Suzuki, the purpose of these pages are to describe the various aspects of our organisation, its people, schools, and events.


   It is hoped that this site will bring all members around the world closer together uniting use as one large family. For non-members, we hope you find the material both useful and informative, and that you gain some insight into our association and its values.

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Karate-Do Indo-Ryu Association PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 22 Ianuarie 2014 10:39
   Karate-Do Indo-Ryu Association is a non-profit, non commercial reputed registered body having its branches all over India and various other countries as well.
   This  association is affiliated with various other international bodies outside India.
We have been successful in establishing our branches in various countries, which includes India, USA, Australia, Kuwait, Saudi, Pakistan and Philippines  We are looking forward to strengthen our association by increasing the representatives in unrepresented areas i.e. Domestic as well as at International level.

   Our aim is not only the promotion of Martial Arts as a means of self defense but also to promote it as a way of life for self defense, physical fitness & self confidence. Our aim is to develop healthy bodies with healthy minds, so that our students can become not only good martial artists but better human beings also. We teach them not only how to fight against opponents but we also prepare them against difficult situations and times. Our students excel not only in Martial Arts but other sports as well. It helps building power, stamina and concentration, what a true Martial Arts should give.

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Bute - Pascal PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 18 Ianuarie 2014 20:13

              Mihai Leu crede că partida de duminică cu Jean Pascal e decisivă pentru întreaga carieră ulterioară a pugilistului Lucian Bute.

  "Sînt convins că Lucian va învinge. Este poate cel mai important meci al lui de pînă acum. La Nottingham a plecat din postura de campion. De acest meci depinde sută la sută cariera lui mai departe. Am vorbit cu el şi ştiu că a pregătit foarte bine acest meci. Dacă face un meci bun, cred că îşi poate continua cariera", a spus Mihai Leu."Să uite de înfrîngerea cu Froch"
   Lucian este sfătuit să nu stea cu gîndul la ultima partidă importantă disputată, cea cu Carl Froch, cînd a pierdut titlul mondial IBF: "Cel mai important este să treacă peste înfrîngerea de la Nottingham, dar cred că a reuşit deja asta, pentru că ştiu că este un caracter puternic. E greu de spus dacă va apărea un KO într-un astfel de meci. Din cîte îi cunosc eu pe amândoi, fiecare va încerca să-şi surprindă adversarul. Oricum, dacă va cîştiga la puncte, eu cred că va fi o victorie pentru Bute şi dacă se va ivi o lovitură de KO, sînt sigur că va profita de ea", a completat Leu.În cazul unei înfrîngeri, Leu consideră că pentru Lucian Bute cariera de profesionist se va încheia.

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World Karate-do Traditional Confederation - WKTC PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 19 Ianuarie 2014 21:55

                    The World Karate-do Traditional Confederation -

   WKTC was founded on 20/07/2013 in Brazil by a small group of great masters and creators of tennis lovers from various countries and they suck karate and has the form as your way of life.


    We need to create the WKTC, for various reasons, and among them to offer the space to other organizations participating in the World Karate.

     Much of the current International Karate Organizations are in the majority or closed groups that accepts only one organization or are an organization that accepts only pure style or multi-style groups that accept only one federation per country.

    Therefore, many federations and associations are left outside world International Karate.

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FRK WKC un nou inceput pe drumul PERFORMANTEI PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 14 Ianuarie 2014 10:32

                Federatia Romana de Karate WKC anunta inceperea in forta a noului an sportiv 2014 , prin doua evenimente devenite traditionale in calendarul competitional al federatiei FRK WKC.    


      Startul programului competitional va fi dat in data de 18 ianuarie 2014 orele 17.00 cu sprijinul Primariei si a autoritatilor locale , in frumosul oras TURDA , oras ce va gazdui  “ GALA CAMPIONILOR FRK WKC “. Astfel cei mai merituosi sportivi  ai federatiei FRK WKC isi vor disputa multravnitul trofeu  “ CUPA FEDERATIEI “ incununand astfel un an 2013 plin de performante.

Dintre sportivii FRK WKC  cu rezultate exceptionale obtinute de-a lungul anului 2013 putem mentiona :

$1Ø  OMER  GEANDAN – Campion European WUKF , Campion National FRK WKC

$1Ø  NOTAR  FLORINA – ViceCampioana Europeana WUKF , Campioana Nationala FRK WKC

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