
"Good Ol' Days" by Ray Hughes PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 09 Decembrie 2016 14:15
     I often run into "old karate guys" who say how great karate was back in the "Good Ol' Days."  They reminisce how karate was "real" back then, saying it's just pretty now. I must admit, I sometimes start to fall into that same trap.  However, when I really think about it, I'm not sure how great karate was back in the day.     
Yes, the punches and kicks were harder. Some would say it was lack of control and not necessarily skill.  But we knew exactly how hard we were hitting; lack of control had nothing to do with it.
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Seminar AUTOAPĂRARE PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 29 Noiembrie 2016 10:21



             Federaţia Română de Autoapărare, W.O.S.D. – România & Marian Manole – reprezentant W.O.S.D.

Vă invita,
la seminarul World Organization of Self Defence (W.O.S.D.) condus de Shihan Antonio la Salandra – instructor autoapărare în Poliţia din Roma, preşedinte şi instructor şef W.O.S.D.
Perioada: Sâmbătă 3 decembrie, orele 10.00 – 13.00
Duminică 4 decembrie, orele 10.00 – 13.00


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Campionatul National de Chanbara PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 16 Noiembrie 2016 10:45

Sambata, 19 noiembrie, va invitam la Campionatul National de Chanbara.




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Cupa Romaniei - Wushu Kung-Fu, 26/11/2016 PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 24 Noiembrie 2016 20:05




Cupa Romaniei - Wushu Kung-Fu, 26/11/2016
                 Qinda (light contact)
                Taolu (modern & traditional)

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International Karate Tournament "CUPA CONTACT" PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 14 Noiembrie 2016 13:48

     International Karate Tournament "CUPA CONTACT" for KIDS, CHILDREN, CADETS, JUNIORS & SENIORS, 15th edition, 19 - 20 November 2016


WELCOME for 2 days at tournament, friendship and fair-play!!!
- Kata for all categories
- Kumite WKF for all categories
- Kumite Shobu Ippon for all categories
- Kumite Non - Stop for kids & children
- Makiwara for kids & children
- Play Game for kids & children

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