
WKF hosts key strategic meetings in Paris PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 27 Aprilie 2017 14:01



   World Karate Federation stakeholders were gathered in Paris this past week to discuss crucial issues concerning Karate’s path to its Olympic debut and to set the roadmap of the sport for its momentous challenges ahead. 

   The strategic meetings were hosted at the French Karate Federation headquarters in Paris and welcomed members of the Executive Bureau, the WKF Olympic Planning Commission, the WKF Rules Commission and the presidents of all Continental Federations. The gatherings were chaired by WKF President Antonio Espinós


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Legea nr. 544 din 2001 privind liberul acces la informatiile de interes public PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 23 Aprilie 2017 17:18

Legea 544/2001, Actualizata 2016, privind liberul acces la informatiile de interes public

LEGE nr. 544/2001 privind liberul acces la informatiile de interes public

CAPITOLUL I: Dispozitii generale
Art. 1

Accesul liber si neingradit al persoanei la orice informatii de interes public, definite astfel prin prezenta lege, constituie unul dintre principiile fundamentale ale relatiilor dintre persoane si autoritatile publice, in conformitate cu Constitutia Romaniei si cu documentele internationale ratificate de Parlamentul Romaniei.

Art. 2
In sensul prezentei legi:
a) prin autoritate sau institutie publica se intelege orice autoritate ori institutie publica ce utilizeaza sau administreaza resurse financiare publice, orice regie autonoma, companie nationala, precum si orice societate comerciala aflata sub autoritatea unei autoritati publicecentrale ori locale si la care statul roman sau, dupa caz, o unitate administrativ-teritoriala este actionar unic ori majoritar;
b) prin informatie de interes public se intelege orice informatie care priveste activitatile sau rezulta din activitatile unei autoritati publice sau institutii publice, indiferent de suportul ori de forma sau de modul de exprimare a informatiei;
c) prin informatie cu privire la datele personale se intelege orice informatie privind o persoana fizica identificata sau identificabila.

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Campionatul European de Karate WKF 2017 PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 17 Aprilie 2017 15:26


                       wkf 20177

   We all wait with great expectation the celebration of these 52nd European Senior Championships 2017 in Kocaeli. The whole European family feels encouraged to come back to Turkey to enjoy all together the top European Karate annual event. These are our first European Senior Championships of an Olympic Karate and we all look forward to make in Kocaeli big celebrations of this historical success of our sport.
I also want to take this opportunity to recognize the work developed by the Turkish Karate Federation during so many years. It has been always an active and loyal member from the European and from the World Karate Federation and it has always made things easy inside a positive atmosphere of support and collaboration. With members like the Turkish Karate Federation it is easy to understand the outstanding progress experienced by the EKF along the years.
The allocation of this big Karate event to Turkey, to Kocaeli, is therefore something well deserved by the Turkish Karate Federation and I can say, without any doubt, that these 52nd European Senior Championships are going to be a new success of our sport in the Continent, a new success of the EKF thanks to the inestimable contribution of the Turkish Karate Federation.
Antonio Espinós
EKF President


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Irinel Barbu - Odihneste-te in pace, suflet bun PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 19 Aprilie 2017 18:37




Sursa MCP Press Agency - Niky Cotelici
                " Irinel Barbu - Odihneste-te in pace, suflet bun
               O intamplare tragica l-a smuls dintre noi pe Campionul de Karate, Irinel Barbu, legitimat la CS Otopeni, care a decedat astazi, intr-un accident de masina.
              L-am urmărit cu drag... victorie după victorie. Am scris cu entuziasm si cu emoție despre ascensiunea si victoriile lui in karate, am asteptat rezultatele si l-am insotit cu ganduri bune si bucurie in fiecare competitie si am tresaltat la fiecare medalie castigata.
Dar nu mi-aș fi închipuit pentru nimic in lume ca imi va fi dat sa scriu aceste rânduri dureroase, cu lacrimi de disperare in ochi si cu atata deznădejde in suflet ... Nu vreau si nu pot sa accept... Odihneste-te in pace, copil bun si frumos|.
Condoleante familiei si putere sa suporte imensa durere...  "

Suntem  cutremurati  cu  totii  de  aceasta  intimplare  trista !

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PASTE FERICIT ! PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 15 Aprilie 2017 18:11

              PASTE  FERICIT  !


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