
Japanese schoolchildren invited to pick the Tokyo 2020 mascot! PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 29 Mai 2017 15:18
    Tokyo 2020 is proposing an original process to choose the Olympic and Paralympic mascots. A national competition open to all people living in Japan was presented on 22 May. A shortlist drawn up by a panel of experts will then be submitted to all of the country’s schoolchildren, who will vote to decide upon the winners!

     In Rio in 2016, a public vote was organised to choose the name of the Olympic and Paralympic mascots. For the Olympic Games, over 320,000 voters were registered, and “Vinicius” was chosen in homage to Brazilian musician Vinicius de Moraes. Vinicius was a mix of various animals from Brazilian fauna. His design was inspired by pop culture and characters from video games and animation. With his Paralympic Games counterpart, Vinicius represented the diversity of the Brazilian culture and people, as well as its abundant nature.


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Stagiu de pregatire cu Luca Valdesi PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 11 Mai 2017 21:50

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    Comisia Nationala de Karate Shotokan ESKU din cadrul Federatiei Romane de Karate.   va invita la   Stagiu  cu   Luca  Valdesi  , multiplu  campion  mondial   si  european  WKF.
    Vom avea alaturi pentru doua zile cel mai titrat campion de kata WKF.


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KF Congress celebrates unprecedented growth for European Karate PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 04 Mai 2017 11:44


   After being re-elected as head of the European Karate Federation, EKF and WKF President and Antonio Espinós opened the 2017 EKF Congress by underlining the decisive moment of the sport and by presenting the many challenges ahead of the ancient modality. Many important decisions were taken in the plenary session that gathered representatives coming from nearly 50 European countries. 

   “It is an important day for me, as 20 years ago I was elected president of the EKF. Presenting my candidature to these elections was not in my plans, but you have convinced me with your support to run again for the re-election,” said Mr. Espinós. 


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EKF Congress re-elects Antonio Espinós as President PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 04 Mai 2017 11:49


    Antonio Espinós Ortueta was re-elected as President of the European Karate Federation in the plenary session of the EKF being held in Kocaeli (Turkey). The re-election of Antonio Espinós, took place after the Spaniard received, by secret voting,  42 out of the 42 votes of the same number of National Federations with voting rights attending the Congress. 

   Antonio Espinós, who has occupied the position since 1997, will therefore continue leading the organisation for a new six-year term.


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Cupa Buzaului editia a- VI-a / 20 MAI 2017 PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 02 Mai 2017 10:33

                             AFIS CUPA BUZAULUI 20 MAI 2017 2

       Stimati Colegi,
       Clubul dumneavoastra este invitat sa participe la Cupa Buzaului la
Karate pentru Copii, Minicadeti, Cadeti, Juniori si Seniori, care
se va desfasura in Sala Sporturilor ‘Romeo Iamandi’, din Buzau.
Acest campionat reprezinta unul dintre criteriile de selectie, in urma
caruia se va stabilii lotul national, care va participa la Campionatul Mondial
de Karate Goju Ryu, din perioada 14-17 Septembrie 2017, in Bucuresti,
Doresc mult succes tuturor sportivilor participanti, iar antrenorilor si
sefilor de club le multumesc anticipat pentru participare.

Va astept cu mult drag,

Presedinte CS Europa
Ioana Bogza


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