
Stagiu U.K.I.D.A. PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 02 Decembrie 2018 18:43

                     manifesto stage 2018 estero



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Kickboxing and Lacrosse IOC recognised PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 02 Decembrie 2018 18:19
            Fotografia postată de The World Games.
    The World Games sports Kickboxing and Lacrosse have been granted provisional International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition for a period of three years. The decision was made by the IOC Executive Board on Friday, and it followed a recommendation from the IOC Sports Department.

    In addition to the two sports, also Sambo was granted provisional recognition for three years. The International Federations of the three sports will now be able to receive funding from the IOC and apply for grants for their development programmes. Full recognition has to be granted by the IOC Session.

    World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO) also welcomed the recognition of their sport. The organisation has 129 affiliated countries, of which over 90 are formally recognised by their countries' Ministry of Sport or National Olympic Committee.

Francesca Falsoni, serving as WAKO interim President following the death of Borislav Pelevic last month, believes the governing body’s efforts have paid off.

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Miercuri, 28 Noiembrie 2018 13:49




     In ultima sedinta a Consiliului General, la propunerea Primarului General Gabriela Firea, a fost aprobat unul dintre proiectele majore dedicate dezvoltarii sportului si cresterii gradului de participare a tinerilor la activitati sportive !

     Astfel, pentru 85000 de sportivi, legitimati din Municipiul Bucuresti, indiferent de ramura sportiva, se vor oferi servicii medicale gratuite pentru acordarea vizei medicale bianuale. 


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Prestigious award for WKF President Antonio Espinós PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 30 Noiembrie 2018 11:37


          Prestigious award for WKF President Antonio Espinós

    IWGA Board member, President of the World Karate Federation Antonio Espinós received the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star in Tokyo. Mr Espinós was recognised for his contribution to the progress of Karate, a sport that is born in Japan.

    The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star is one of the highest orders conferred by the Japanese government. The order is awarded to those who have made distinguished achievements in international relations, promotion of Japanese culture, advancements in their field, development in welfare or preservation of the environment.

“It is a great honour to be bestowed such a prestigious award. Karate is a universal sport with presence all over the world. However, we proudly try to preserve the roots of Karate and its origins going back to the Japanese traditional culture. We will continue supporting the values that we share with the Japanese culture as this Order recognises Karate’s influence in both the traditional and universal stages of our discipline. On behalf of the World Karate Federation, I am extremely grateful for this recognition,” said WKF President Antonio Espinós to Around the Rings.


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Cupa SCORPION PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 27 Noiembrie 2018 11:54

                                        I N V I T A T I E


                Stimati colegi,
       Avem placerea de a va invita la cea de-a XI-a editie a Cupei Scorpion Bucuresti , pentru
copii, minicadeti, cadeti si juniori, ce va avea loc in data de 08 Decembrie 2018, la sala
Apollo, B-dul Energeticienilor, nr. 5, sector 3, Bucuresti, incepand cu ora 8.30.
     Pentru a incuraja spectacolul si competitivitatea de pe tatami, dar si pentru a-i stimula
pe sportivi , CS SCORPION Bucuresti, va premia categoria OPEN 14-17 ani ( Masculin si
Feminin), cu bani, dupa cum urmeaza:

    LOCUL I    –  300 EURO
    LOCUL II   –  200 EURO
    LOCUL III  –  100 EURO


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