HCM Baia Mare in Liga Campionilor |
Duminică, 15 Septembrie 2013 18:57 |
In aceasta dupa-miaza , vice-campioana Romaniei , HCM Baia Mare si-a continuat parcursul senzational inceput ieri cu o victorie , impotriva prestigioasei echipe daneze ,Viborg.
Adversarul de azi , vice-campioana Danemarcei ,Holstebro .Se anunta un meci cel putin la fel de dificil precum cel de ieri , doar ca fetele noastre au intrat pe teren cu o ambitie iesita din comun ,ajutate si de cele apxoimativ 2000 suflete din sala , si la pauza conduceau cu incredibilul scor de 20-10.
In final s-a inregistrat scorul de 36-23, scor ce asigura participarea in faza grupelor a Ligii Campionilor, unde baimarencele vor intalni Gyor, Hypo si Thuringer.
Articol redactat de : Duta Gini-Andrei
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Miercuri, 20 Mai 2015 19:15 |
Padbol a fost inventat în anul 2008, în La Plata (Argentina), patentat in anul 2011.
In prezent sunt 15 țări afiliate la Federația Internațională : Argentina, Portugalia, Spania, Uruguay, Mexic,Brazilia, Italia, Anglia, Norvegia, Danemarca,Finlanda, Suedia, Australia, Bolivia si ROMÂNIA!!!
Padbol este Jucat de vedete ale fotbalului mondial ca Denilson, (campion mondial cu Brazilia în 2002 și ambasador Padbol Brazilia), Luigi Di Biagio, Bernardo Corradi, Stefano Fiore, Michael Laudrup si altii.
După Mondialul 2013 (Argentina) și 2014 (Spania), in acest an va avea loc Cupa Intercontinentala Miami 2015 ( noiembrie), iar al treilea Campionat Mondial de Padbol se va juca în 2016 pe plaja statiunii Punta del Este – Uruguai.
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Victorie pentru austriacul "Benni" Raich la Crans Montaa |
Sâmbătă, 25 Februarie 2012 14:10 |
Benjamin Raich din Austria, a reusit astazi sa castige a 2-a etapa de Super- G programata la Crans Montana. El a fost urmat de Adrien Theaux si Didier Cuche.La general ramane leader Hirscher , in timp ce la Super -G leader este Svindal urmat la o diferenta foarte mica de Cuche .Urmatoarea programare , maine , proba de coborare .
Rezultate Finale :
- Benjamin Raich – Austria
- Adrien Theaux – Franta
- Didier Cuche – Elvetia
- Klaus Kroell – Austria
- Jan Hudec – Canada
35th Bihor Open, 2nd WORLD EUROPEAN REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS - Karate-Kobudo-Parakarate |
Marţi, 02 Aprilie 2024 12:47 |
Dear Friends of Karate and Karate-Ka
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I would like to extend an invitation to the upcoming 35th Bihor Open, 2nd WORLD EUROPEAN REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS - Karate-Kobudo-Parakarate. The scope andlevel of competitors promises to make this one of the most dynamic, exciting competitions of recent memory.
Without a doubt, your presence will add dimension and quality to a forumof elite athletes testing and honing their skills. All levels and ages will havecommensurate categories and all will have a memory of a lifetime. We have attached information for your review and submission. If you are in need of assistance or facilitation, do not hesitate to use the contact email/information listed. Of course, I am alsopersonally available if you should have any additional questions. I look forward to seeing you personally in Romania taking part in this event that does justice to the work invested in each athlete and to Karate-Do.
I hope that the fact that the competition was advertised as an International Open Karate Championship, will attract the competitors of other styles as well. I honestly hope, that you,who is reading my information letter, decide your intention for participating and we will meet in summer of 2024, in Oradea (Biharia), at the tournament.
As the Chairman of the Organizing Committee I invite you with respect for the competition.
All the Best, prof.Vaida Ioan -
Chairman of The Organizing Committee |