
Nadia Comăneci susţine participarea sportivilor Special Olympics din România la Jocurile Mondiale PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 28 Aprilie 2010 08:36


Nadia Comăneci, vicepreşedinte Special Olympics International, a fost prezentă la Bucureşti luni, 26 aprilie, unde a participat la conferinţa de presă în care s-au anunțat rezultatele primei etape a campaniei de strângere de fonduri, ce va finanţa participarea sportivilor români la Jocurile Mondiale de Vară Special Olympics 2011 de la Atena.

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What is Mushin? And How to Achieve It? PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 10 Decembrie 2019 14:22


By Thomas D. McKinnon

What is Mushin?

Mushin: the term is a shortened form of, ‘Mushin no shin’ (無心の心). This Zen expression means, basically, ‘mind without mind’. It refers to the state of ‘no-mindness’. Or the state of mind that is not fixed, not cluttered by thoughts or emotion. Therefore nothing will get in the way of the self as it acts and reacts according to its training and exactitude’s. In combat or in any part of life where much preparation has been undertaken.


What is Mushin in Practice?

Mushin is achieved when a karateka’s mind is free of random thoughts, free of anger, free of fear, and particularly free of ego. It applies during combat, and or other facets of life. When mushin is achieved during combat there is an absence of loose or rambling thoughts. It leaves the practitioner free to act and react without hesitation. He reacts according to all of the study and training that has brought the karateka to this point. Relying on, not what you think should be your next move, but on what your trained, instinctive, subconscious reaction directs you to do.

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Incepe cea mai asteptata competitie de street dance: Cupa Liceelor la Street Dance - editia IV! PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 02 Aprilie 2010 07:44

Cupa Liceelor la Street Dance - un eveniment devenit deja traditie, avand an de an sute de participanti si mii de spectatori, isi deschide portile si anul acesta, pe 11 aprilie. Prima etapa locala va avea loc la Constanta, urmand ca alte cinci judete si municipiul Bucuresti sa se alature competitiei, in drumul catre Finala Nationala CLSD 2010.

   Multi spun ca acest eveniment le-a schimbat viata, altii il privesc ca pe o rampa de lansare in cariera de dansator, iar pentru organizatori, este un eveniment de suflet ce implica cele mai mari scoli de dans din Romania, peste 20.000 de elevi si prieteni din intreaga tara.

  Pana in acest moment, in competitie sunt inscrise peste 30 de licee din tara, asteptandu-se ca numarul lor sa creasca .........

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Joaca si cistiga cu Novak Djokovic PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 15 Aprilie 2010 14:40

     Joaca   si   castiga    cu  Novak Djokovic

        Intra  pe  :


  si  poti  castiga  GRATUIT  o  multime  de  premii  ofarite  de   : Novac Djokovic  si  HEAD


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Karate included in sports programme of Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2022 PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 04 Decembrie 2019 08:39
   The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board today approved the sports and event programme for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Dakar 2022, which will see five sports join the initial 28 on the programme and full gender equality in terms of not only the number of athletes, but also the male and female representation in each sport and event for the first time in Olympic history.

    Innovation and an ongoing focus on youth sport have been paramount for the athlete competition programme from the outset of the Youth Olympic Games. To follow the natural pathway of the Youth Olympian, Dakar 2022 will see inclusion of all the youth-focused sports proposed by Paris 2024: breaking, surfing, sport climbing and skateboarding. Highly popular youth-focused sports seen at previous YOG, such as futsal, basketball 3x3 and hockey 5s, will continue for 2022, while new events will also make their debut, such as beach wrestling, and the sport of karate will continue its YOG journey.


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