Keeping in touch with tradition Shotokan Karate Union |
Vineri, 09 Octombrie 2015 15:31 |
The Shotokan Karate Union is a non-profit International Shotokan Karate Organisation established in Great Britain in 1985, with affiliated individual members Worldwide. We practice Shotokan Karate as a traditional Japanese martial art form. Dedicated to using the traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate coaching methodology we have therefore, chosen to resist compromising those tried and tested ways. Nevertheless, we do recognise, advocate and utilise many of the modern sports sciences to test and hone our Karate-ka to assist them to achieve a high personal technical standard.

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When the Shotokan Karate Union was founded we were at the vanguard of coaching education in the martial arts, when we pioneered a gold standard system of coaching, the Coaching award scheme, which now 30 years on is a successful and structured coaching course. We sponsor a number of places each year on the structured, educational award scheme to teach our coaches how to present the subject matter in a uniform manner, whilst ensuring that a high standard of student performance is achieved and maintained. From the organisation's conception we simultaneously developed and adhered to a transparent and structured grading assessment system so that our student members would know in advance & understand what is achievable and expected of them.
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Miercuri, 20 Mai 2015 19:15 |

Padbol a fost inventat în anul 2008, în La Plata (Argentina), patentat in anul 2011.
In prezent sunt 15 țări afiliate la Federația Internațională : Argentina, Portugalia, Spania, Uruguay, Mexic,Brazilia, Italia, Anglia, Norvegia, Danemarca,Finlanda, Suedia, Australia, Bolivia si ROMÂNIA!!!
Padbol este Jucat de vedete ale fotbalului mondial ca Denilson, (campion mondial cu Brazilia în 2002 și ambasador Padbol Brazilia), Luigi Di Biagio, Bernardo Corradi, Stefano Fiore, Michael Laudrup si altii.
După Mondialul 2013 (Argentina) și 2014 (Spania), in acest an va avea loc Cupa Intercontinentala Miami 2015 ( noiembrie), iar al treilea Campionat Mondial de Padbol se va juca în 2016 pe plaja statiunii Punta del Este – Uruguai.
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