
Ştiri, evenimente
Finala Campionatului National de Karate Traditional pentru cadeti, juniori, tineret si seniori PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Joi, 09 Iunie 2022 12:42


          Ar putea fi o imagine cu text care spune „ROMANIA FEDERATIAROMÂNĂD KARATE ETRADIȚIONAI CUVERNUL MINISTERUL SPORTULUI FINALA Campionatului Național de KARATE TRADIȚIONAL pentru Cadeți, Juniori, Tineret, Seniori, ediția XXXI București, Arena Romsilva 24-26 iunie, 2022 Stagiu condus de Sensei Vladimir Jorga, 10 DAN”

     Federatia Romana de Karate Traditional organizeaza in perioada 24-26 iunie 2022, la Bucuresti - Arena Romsilva, Finala Campionatului National de Karate Traditional pentru cadeti, juniori, tineret si seniori, editia a XXXI-a.
     Cu ocazia acestei competitii va avea loc si un stagiu tehnic condus de Sensei Vladimir Jorga, 10 DAN, presedintele Federatiei Europene de Karate Traditional.
      Succes tuturor participantilor!
      Traditia continua!

      OSSU !


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IOC EB urges all Internat. Fed. to relocate or cancel their sports events of Russia and Belarus PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Sâmbătă, 26 Februarie 2022 08:26
IOC EB urges all International Federations to relocate or cancel their sports events currently planned in Russia or Belarus
The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) reiterated today the IOC’s strong condemnation of the breach of the Olympic Truce by the Russian government and the government of Belarus through its support in this. The respective UN  resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 2 December 2021 by consensus of all 193 UN Member States. The Olympic Truce began seven days before the start of the Olympic Games, on 4 February 2022, and ends seven days after the closing of the Paralympic Games.

The IOC EB today urges all International Sports Federations to relocate or cancel their sports events currently planned in Russia or Belarus. They should take the breach of the Olympic Truce by the Russian and Belarussian governments into account and give the safety and security of the athletes absolute priority. The IOC itself has no events planned in Russia or Belarus.



In addition, the IOC EB urges that no Russian or Belarussian national flag be displayed and no Russian or Belarussian anthem be played in international sports events which are not already part of the respective World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sanctions for Russia.

At the same time, the IOC EB expresses its full support to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) for the upcoming Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.



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Direcționarea a 3,5% din impozitul anual datorat pentru susţinerea entităţilor nonprofit PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Joi, 03 Februarie 2022 10:10

        Direcționarea a 3,5% din impozitul anual datorat pentru susţinerea
                           entităţilor nonprofit - Material informativ

 Nu este disponibilă nicio descriere pentru fotografie.


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