
Ştiri, evenimente
15th Balkan Junior-Cadet Championship and 4th Balkan Cup for U21 PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 11 Decembrie 2014 21:58



    15th Balkan Junior-Cadet Championship and 4th Balkan Cup for U21 will be held on 13/14 December 2014 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

      On that occasion, Alexei Petrov, President of Karate Federation of Balkan said:

    Karate Federation of Balkan is actively working towards the endorsement of the philosophy and spirit of Karate, promotes and develops karate as an elite sport, as well as a mass sport for everyone. The Balkan karate championship in Sofia is more than just a competition, it is a place where friendship, respect and tolerance meet.

    For the first time the Karate sport is included in the family of Olympic Games at the first European Games in 2015 in Baku, which will be held by the Olympic Committees of the countries in Europe.
It is a challenge and a test for us. I am convinced that Karate will take its honorable place among the Olympic sports, but to achieve that we will need the required mobilization, work and dedication. Our performance will be indicative of the level of Karate in the Balkans, which will bring serious weight on the Balkan Karate Federation.


  Romania  este  reprezentata  la  aceasta  competitie  de  un  lot numeros de  sportivi, carora  le  uram  SUCCES  !

  In    delegatia  Romaniei   sunt  si  9  arbitrii, si  este  condusa  de  Presedintele Federatiei de Karate  Dnul Octavian Amzulescu .

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A plan of sports events Ukrainian League of Karate for 2015 PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 07 Decembrie 2014 23:21




The Event name




International Winter Training Camp

January, 8-14

Zakopane, Poland


III Seminar and Dan Examination

January, 24-25



"Friendship Cup" Round1




Open championship WSKU of Ukraine

March, 22



"Friendship Cup" Round2

April, 19


International tournament on karate “TIGRENOK”

May, 31



IV Seminar and Dan Examination

June, 27-28


International Summer Training Camp




"Friendship Cup" Round3

September, 27


Ukraine cup WSKU

October, 18


"Friendship Cup" Round4

November, 15


All Events are open for all styles, the directions

and federations





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Ju-Jitsu World Championship - Paris - France. 27.11.-1.12.2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 29 Noiembrie 2014 13:20


   In 1996, France welcomed world championships JUJITSU at the stadium Pierre de Coubertin. Eighteen years later, on November 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014, the French Federation of Judo, Jujitsu, Kendo and Associated Disciplines is happy to welcome again this world competition.

    The Ju-jitsu International Federation and French Federation of Judo, Jujitsu, Kendo and Associated Disciplines  welcome all delegations which for sure will appreciate these three disciplines, DUO SYSTEM, JUJITSU COMBAT and JUJITSU NE-WAZA.

***   3 days live coverage from floor one of the Ju-Jitsu World Championships in Paris, France.

November 28 10:45 GMT12:45 your time   :




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Duminică, 23 Noiembrie 2014 21:39


Children, Cadets, Juniors, Senior, Veterans Individual and Team Categories

Registrations will be held through www.sportdata.org until 18th December 2014


All official registrations will be done 18 December , 2014 starting at 09:00 in the following adress;

Headquarter Hotel ;AKGUN HOTEL Aksaray Istanbul

The event is open to all official licenced Referee’s by their National and Continental Federation. WKF

Referee’s accommodation will be covered by the organiser. WKF Referee’s will be paid Daily 50 €.

The event is open to all Federations, Regions, Shotokan, Shitoryu, Wadoryu, Gojuryu clubs individuals and

Teams which will compete under the sole WKF Competition rules.

All athletes in medal table will receive Karate -gi, Tshirt and sporting materials sponsored by Kihon Ltd, Elit Ltd, Ustado Ltd.


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Campionatul Cluburilor de Sport Chanbara PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 21 Noiembrie 2014 20:58


  Se vor disputa următoarele probe: Kihon Dosa, Kodachi, Tate Kodachi, Choken Katate, Datotsu Team. Peste 58 de categorii!

între 10:00 - 15:00


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