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Paste LINISTIT si FERICIT tuturor romanilor !! PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 27 Aprilie 2019 13:05
              Paste LINISTIT  si  FERICIT    tuturor  romanilor  !!

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The Blind Spot of Shotokan: Society! A Plea for more Civic Engagement of Shotokan Karate PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 17 Aprilie 2019 18:41


         Gichin Funakoshi’s 20 Principles of Karate-Do

        The legend says: Karate was a means for the people of Okinawa to stand up against their oppressors from mainland Japan. Okinawa was occupied by Japan back in the days and only Samurai were allowed to carry weapons. According to the legend, the Japanese occupiers began to harass the people of Okinawa, who had nothing to defend themselves than their farming tools and their bare hands. Influenced by Chinese martial arts they began to develop Karate in order to fight against the Japanese occupation and to gain back their liberty.

The foundation myth of Karate is, thus, strongly related to topics like empowerment, class conflict, freedom, public disobedience, and social justice. That is the reason why, in opposite to other martial arts, Shotokan has always stressed that it serves a higher purpose. To give helpless people control over their lifes, Karate is a powerful means.

Today, Shotokan is the most practiced style of Karate globally. With its legendary history in mind, one would expect that Shotokan would be highly engaged in finding solutions for social issues. Discourses and programs about the most urgent topics of the time would be normal. For instance:

  • How could Shotokan help to lead people out of poverty?
  • How could it contribute to stop violence?
  • What could it do to make people more equal?
  • What could it do to make the world a better place more just place?
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10th World Shotokan Karate Championships24-25-26 May 2019, Bucharest Romania PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 10 Aprilie 2019 09:59
Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: Adrian Popescu, nor şi text
   Dear participants at the Anniversary Edition of “10thWorld Shotokan Federation Championships”, welcome to Romania! I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay in our country, enjoy Bucharest with everything it has to offer and have a taste of the Romanian traditions. Congratulations to the Romanian Karate Federation for organizing this important competition which brings to Bucharest almost one thousand participants from more than 30 countries.I am sure we will have a successful event, I wish all competitors good luck and hope to see great results from the Romanian karate athletes.
Constantin-Bogdan Matei,
Minister of Youth and Sports
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Campionatul European de Grappling & Grappling-Gi PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 05 Aprilie 2019 09:48
Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni, oameni stând jos şi text

            National Grappling Team - 2019

1. Raluca Dinescu
2. Madalina Linguraru
3. Claudia Popa
4. Roxana Dinescu
5. Ana Ionita
6. Ovidiu Jimborean
7. Marin Filip
8. Marius Spac
9. Alexandru Mezei
10. Catalin Manzateanu
11. Cristi Iorga
12. Marvin Belecciu
13. Stefan Duminica
14. Petre Gatlan
15. Corneliu Lascar Rotaru
16. Madalin Pirvulescu
17. Eugen Preda
18. Flaviu Nita
19. Ionut Ghita
20. Gheorghe Ignat
21. Daniel Natea

   Succes !!

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Campionatul European de lupte PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 01 Aprilie 2019 09:17


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