
Ştiri, evenimente
Lion Cup Luxembourg PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 06 August 2019 11:21
                             Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: text
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Women of Shotokan: Hiyori Kanazawa PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 04 August 2019 19:06


    Last weekend, Hiyori Kanazawa´s wish became true: She became grand champion (1th place in kumite and 2nd in Kata) at the SKIF world championship in Czech Republic. We think it is time to read the full interview again, we did with her in March. It shows how far determination and an the will to break through boundaries can lead. Hiyori has shown that she is an inspiring woman of Shotokan. Congratulations, Hiyori. Oss!!!

   Portrait of Hiyori Kanazawa

   Citizenship: Japan

   Age: 21

   Karate since: I began when I was 3 years old. But between age 15 to 19 I did not practice Karate because I was abroad for studies.

Rank: 3rd Dan

Dojo: SKIF Honbu Dojo in Japan


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11st European Shotokan Karate Champioship PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 30 Iulie 2019 12:12


     Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni şi text
             11st European Shotokan Karate Champioship Skopje North Macedonia

Click here for the official bulletin
Click here for the official registration


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Turkish Open GP 50.000 € en espèces PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 28 Iulie 2019 15:35
Turkish Open GP 50.000 € en espèces, inscription en ligne
Cliquez ici pour l'inscription et les informations détaillées
 Cliquez ici pour le bulletin officiel à télécharger

































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„OPEN TÂRGOVIȘTE – International Karate Tournament” PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 18 Iulie 2019 11:07
Stimati colegi,

Clubul dumneavoastră este invitat să participe la competiția „OPEN TÂRGOVIȘTE – International Karate Tournament”, pentru copii, minicadeți, cadeți, juniori, U21, seniori si veterani, concurs care se va desfășura la Sala Polivalentă din Municipiul Târgoviște.

Această competiție se organizează cu ocazia Zilei Municipiului Târgoviște.

Noi, organizatorii, acestei competiții, dorim mult succes tuturor sportivilor participanți, iar antrenorilor și șefilor de club le mulțumim anticipat pentru participare.

Cu respect,           
Prof. Daniel MUNTEANU 
Presedinte Comisia de Organizare
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