
Ştiri, evenimente
1st World Goju - Ryu Karate Championship 2010 /Portugalia PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Joi, 29 Iulie 2010 12:33

The World Goju-Ryu Karate Federation (WGKF) inspired by the success and example of the European Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (EGKF), and after the success of the Pre-World Championship held in Marscianno (Italy), in 2006, has decided to held the 1st World Goju-Ryu Karate Championship. The first since it is really the first open to all the lines and schools of our style.

It will be held in Cascais (Portugal), from 29th of September to 3rd of October 2010 after decision taken by EGKF, and supported by the Oceania Goju-Ryu Karate Federation, the Asian Goju-Ryu Karate Federation and the African Goju-Ryu Karate Federation. This is the event we present you and invite you to participate at.

I hope to see you all in Cascais 2010. Help us to make Goju stronger!

The President of WGKF

Humberto Nuno de Oliveira


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Belu si Bitang din nou la lotul feminin de gimanastica PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 03 Iunie 2010 07:37


   Marti fostul antrenor al lotului national de gimnastica  Nicolae Forminte a demisionat.

 Factorul  ce  a  generat    aceasta  demisie   a  fost  revenirea  la  "carma" lotului feminin a celor doi mari antrenori care ne-au adus atatea satisfactii  Octavian Belu si Mariana Bitang. Un  lucru  inedit  este  ca cei doi nu au dorit sa primeasca bani pentru munca depusa.

  Nu ramane decat sa le uram bafta si sa ne aduca si mai multe satisfactii ca pana acum   !


Stagiu de pregatire - Claude Pettinella PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 18 Aprilie 2010 18:11


     In perioada 16-18 aprilie 2010 a avut loc un stagiu de pregatire cu maestrul francez Claude Pettinella  la Poiana Brasov, organizat de Federatia Romana de Karate Modern.

    A fost un stagiu interesant  la care au participat numerosi sportivi de  la  cluburi  din  toata  Romania.


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