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FRK WKC un nou inceput pe drumul PERFORMANTEI PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Marţi, 14 Ianuarie 2014 10:32

                Federatia Romana de Karate WKC anunta inceperea in forta a noului an sportiv 2014 , prin doua evenimente devenite traditionale in calendarul competitional al federatiei FRK WKC.    


      Startul programului competitional va fi dat in data de 18 ianuarie 2014 orele 17.00 cu sprijinul Primariei si a autoritatilor locale , in frumosul oras TURDA , oras ce va gazdui  “ GALA CAMPIONILOR FRK WKC “. Astfel cei mai merituosi sportivi  ai federatiei FRK WKC isi vor disputa multravnitul trofeu  “ CUPA FEDERATIEI “ incununand astfel un an 2013 plin de performante.

Dintre sportivii FRK WKC  cu rezultate exceptionale obtinute de-a lungul anului 2013 putem mentiona :

$1Ø  OMER  GEANDAN – Campion European WUKF , Campion National FRK WKC

$1Ø  NOTAR  FLORINA – ViceCampioana Europeana WUKF , Campioana Nationala FRK WKC

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5th World Shotokan Championships Prishtina/Kosovo PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Vineri, 10 Ianuarie 2014 20:46

                         We would like to invite you to the 5th World Shotokan Championships which will be held on 4-5-6 April 2014 in Prishtina, Kosovo,


Date: 4, 5 and 6 April 2014
Venue: Prishtina Youth and Sports Center, 10000 Prishtina, KOSOVO

2. Rules and Categories
3.1 Rules
5th W.S.K.U. Shotokan Karate Championships will be carried out under W.S.K.U. Rules with Shobu Ippon and Kata categories, also WKF Kumite categories will be carried out under Official WKF Rules.
 Individual and Team Shotokan Kata
 Individual and Team Shobu Ippon Kumite
 Individual and Team WKF Kumite (Eight Points)
 Jyu-Kumite (Unlimited points, two minutes non-stop fighting, Open Weight)

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ARAWAZA CUP 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Joi, 09 Ianuarie 2014 21:43




                      Dear new starters, coaches, and visitors

of the ARAWAZA-CUP 2013 in the city   of Haendel HALLE/SAALE.

The Lord Mayor of Halle/Saale,   Sir Dr. Bernd Wiegand,

has taken over the patronage of our   Karate championship.

    You have the possibility to take part on a guided tour through Halle for

free on Friday the 26th, March 2012.

    You will find further information under:

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