
Ştiri, evenimente
2014 Feb 7-9, 41st EKF Junior & Cadet Lisbon, Portugal PDF Imprimare Email
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Duminică, 02 Februarie 2014 22:42

                     It is for me and for all of the components of

        the European karate family a great  pleasure to visit,

                          the city of Lisbon in Portugal.


    More than 40 European countries are going to meet in Lisbon around

these European Cadet and Junior Championships - as well as under 21 European Cup -

and around karate, a sport that is proving day by day
not only how deep it is merged in our society but also the added value that its practice
gives irrespective of age and condition.
       The Karate Federation of Portugal is a very loyal and appreciated member from both
the European Karate Federation and the World Karate Federation, for both qualitative
and quantitative reasons. We are aware of the progress that karate has experienced in
the country and how positively it has been contributing to the worldwide development
of our sport.
The recent loss of the PKF President Joao Salgado is something that has tremendously
hit all of us but at the same time it is a strong motivation to work for a successful event
and to show Joao that this event, his event, will give us the opportunity to again
honour his memory and thank him for all he did in life for Karate.
We also want to congratulate the Portuguese Federation for the commitment,
professionalism and interest shown for the successful organization of these
Championships, and wish that this event will serve to further promote karate
popularity and practice throughout the country.
In the name of the whole European Karate, thank you for your inestimable
contribution, and be sure that we all will enjoy unforgettable days in Lisbon and
Antonio Espinos, President of the European Karate Federation

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Ce bugete vor avea Federatiile Sportive Nationale in anul 2014--propuneri PDF Imprimare Email
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Sâmbătă, 01 Februarie 2014 09:14
  • MTS a stabilit sumele ce vor fi alocate federaţiilor sportive pe anul 2014.
  • Cele 61 foruri de profil au fost împărţite în trei grupe valorice, cu un total repartizat de 60,23 de milioane de lei.
  • Suma este mai mică decât cea de anul trecut cu trei milioane de lei, însă a crescut alocaţia din veniturile proprii ale MTS.

Ca şi anul trecut, podiumul rămâne acelaşi: atletism, canotaj, gimnastică. Cele trei se află în prima grupă valorică, formată din 16 federaţii olimpice. Interesant este că următoarele două poziţii ca alocaţie sunt ocupate de federaţii din grupa a doua, handbal (4,2 milioane de lei) şi rugby (3,5 milioane). Aproape 70 la sută din bugetul total alocat federaţiilor sportive revine celor 16 din prima grupă valorică.


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Eveniment Kensa Kikan PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 29 Ianuarie 2014 14:50


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