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CAMPIONATUL NATIONAL de KARATE - FRK WKC - Sihisoara 12 aprilie 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
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Sâmbătă, 12 Aprilie 2014 07:22

FRK WKC    a  anuntat  ca  peste  200 de sportivi din cluburile afiliate federatiei se vor înfrunta in “teatrele de lupta” găzduite de Sala Sporturilor “ Radu Voinea “   din  Sighisoara   pe   12 – Aprilie 2014 cu începere de la orele 11.00

Aceasta competiție sportiva se va bucura de prezenta Primarului Danesan Ioan Dorin , viceprimarului DAN EUGEN BÂNDEA, consilierului MTS  Puiu Garba si a președintele de onoare al clubului organizator BUDO MARIS Ioan Adăscăliței .


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Scris de GD   
Vineri, 11 Aprilie 2014 13:35
                                 INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING TOURNAMENT 
                                  GHEORGHE BERCEANU & VASILE IORGA 
                                    STEFAN RUSU & IOAN WASCUL POPOVICI 
                                                             FS FWGR 
11-13 APRIL 2014, Bucharest-ROMANIA 
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Turneul de pregatire "Gold Belt" PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 09 Aprilie 2014 20:59

           The first "GOLDEN BELT" was organized on 13th and 14th April in 1971. in the sports hall "Borac" in  front of about 2,000 spectators with the participation of about 40 karate clubs with over 200     competitors.

  Thirty-seven companies has helped this extraordinary sporting event. Winner of the
championship in extremely harsh battles won by the team "Partizan" from Cacak.
For "Partisan"  performed by Zoran Petrovic, Raičić Simo Dusan Milekić, Milan Vukmirica, free Čolović, Radomir  Paunovic, Branko Vuckovic, Zoran Pavlovic, and Sreten Protic.
The competition was opened by the President of the Karate Federation of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Djordje Djurisic. Single "Golden Belt" in absolute kategiriji won Zoran Krstic from Belgrade. From that  time until the present day "Golden Belt" has created the image of the highest quality and largest  Karate competition at home and in the end, it had become.
One of the synonyms for sport in Cacak called Hala Borac near the Morava river or simply the "Hala
kraj Morave", and is the largest sports hall of the city of Cacak.
The capacity of the hall is 4.000 people and is located next to the West Morava river, by which it was
named. End of 2008. the year began with the reconstruction of the hall. In addition to basketball
games in the hall, they organize concerts, dance contest, kik boks match, karate tournament "Golden
Belt" as well as many other events.
In addition to the closed field, which meets the highest standards of sports, stands with seats,
journalistic lodge and VIP lodge, Hall has six dressing rooms for athletes, press room, meeting rooms
and a number of offices.
This sports complex has four outdoor basketball courts. This "temple" of sports in fits the atmosphere
of the Western Morava River, not far from the halls are: swimming pools, running tracks and many
other auxiliary fields and facilities.
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