
Ştiri, evenimente
LIVE Conferinta de presa a domnului Antonio Espinos, preşedintele World Karate Federation PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Miercuri, 04 Iunie 2014 08:29

Azi  04.06.2014   vom  transmite  LIVE    incepind cu  ora  13,30  (  ora  Bucurestiului -  Romania  )


 Conferinta  de  presa  a  domnului  Antonio Espinos, preşedintele World Karate Federation şi vicepreşedinte al SportAccord.



   Evenimentul   va  fi  transmis   LIVE  on  line  de  catre  TOTAL MEDIA NEWS  pe  urmatoarele  siteuri  :

- www.karate.info.ro     ---         sectiunea Transmisii Live ( ID= free,--Parola= free)

- www.total-media-news.ro ----  sectiunea  Transmisii  LIVE ( ID=free,--Parola= free )



    Accesul  pentrui  vizionare  on line    Gratuit . 


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12th European Karate Championships for Regions PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Duminică, 01 Iunie 2014 19:55

           12th European Karate Championships for Regions

                                                           7-8 June 2014 / Izmir – Turkey



Dear Friends,
Welcome to the hometown of the 12th European Karate Championships for regions between 7-8th 
June 2014, Izmir Turkey.
The city, known as the “Pearl of the Aegean” and located at the west coast of Anatolia is extremely 
happy to greet you while it is experiencing the vigor of embracing the European Karate Family.
We take pride to welcome the Europe Karate athletes coming from Europe and hope they take along 
unforgettable memories of friendship, love and peace to their hometowns in Europe.
Sincerely yours,
President of Turkish Karate Federation
                Succes  delegatiei  ce  ne  va  reprezenta !!


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Antalya Open Karate Tournament and Summer camp in Alanya, Antalya PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Sâmbătă, 31 Mai 2014 18:37
              the International Antalya Open Karate Tournament and Summer camp in Alanya, Antalya, Mediterrenean Holiday place.
            All hotels are 50 meters to the beach. The fixed fee for the hotels all included bed, breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks 50 € per person per night.
         All registrations must be made through www.sportdata.org also the hotel reservations must be sended at last 15th of July 2014. 
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