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Vineri, 04 Iulie 2014 12:50

         The European Championships for Cadets that begin in Athens  -                                                                         JUDO


   on Friday will be staged at the Ano Liossia Sport Arena, venue for the judo event in the 2004 Athens Olympic games and scene of the triumph for Greece ten years ago of Ilias Iliadis.

   According to Nikos Kerasovitis, Head of the Local Organising Committee, the “packed grandstands, fervent support and the efforts of the Greek judoka, will be the key to achieving the best European U18 championship in history”. Kerasovitis gave a "mini" interview prior to the start of the championships to be staged between 4-6 July. Referring to an earlier evaluation visit of European Judo Union staff to Athens Kerasovitis had the following to say:

"I am completely satisfied with our preparations. Both Martin Poiger, Director , EJU Head Office, and Competition Manager Catarina Rodrigues, were satisfied with everything we showed them during their visit to Athens. They were able to visit the Ano Liosia Sport Arena, the auxiliary spaces as well as the hotels. The stadium meets all the current EJU’s needs and is well equipped for the immediate future. It is the first tournament commissioned by the EJU in our country and their people were very strict, especially concerning the setup of the facility in accordance with the requirements of the EJU, and also the issue of attendance during matches. They are very interested in having a big audience and we aim to make their desire a reality”.

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le Stage National avec les Experts Fédéraux. PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Vineri, 27 Iunie 2014 15:48
            Pour la 7 ème année consécutive, la fédération a le plaisir de vous   proposer un
stage au Pôle France de Montpellier, dirigé par  5 des plus grands experts de la fédération.
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Campionatul Municipal de viteză de kaiac- canoe. PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Vineri, 27 Iunie 2014 12:20

     Direcţia pentru Sport şi Tineret a Municipiului Bucureşti organizează împreună cu Asociaţia Municipală de Kaiac-Canoe pe data de 28 iunie 2014, 

        Campionatul Municipal de viteză de kaiac- canoe.


    Competiţia va avea loc pe lacul Herăstrău din Bucureşti pentru următoarele categorii de vârstă: Cadeţi, Juniori I, Juniori II şi Tineret. Probele de concurs  sunt pe distanţe de 2000m, 1000m şi 500m.

Evenimentul va avea loc între orele 09:00 – 13:00.

Toţi cei care au plăcerea să vizioneze rezultatul unei bune pregătiri fizice, forţă, rapiditate şi precizie în execuţie, sunt aşteptaţi la această competiţie pentru a susţine concurenţii.

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