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Cupa Intercontinentală PDF Imprimare Email
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Joi, 07 August 2014 08:36






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Wushu joins the Nanjing 2014 Sports Lab PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 06 August 2014 16:32

      Nanjing will open its doors to the world of wushu this month as part of the new Nanjing 2014 Sports Lab concept, along with sport climbing, roller skating and skateboarding.





    Wushu, a modern competitive sport with a long and rich history, is generally referred to as kung fu in the West and is the collective term referring to the various martial arts practised in China.

    This sport has developed and evolved over a period of thousands of years from an art of war into a cultural, martial, philosophical and physical activity now embraced by people on every continent. Within the Nanjing 2014 Sports Lab, the emphasis will be on showcasing the excitement of wushu and its different formats.

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CHALLENGE DAY 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 06 August 2014 13:14

                          CHALLENGE    DAY



- este un eveniment de fitness care, dupa cum ii spune si numele, este o provocare pe care o lansam catre toti cei care iubesc sportul si fitness-ul in general.
   Daca esti o fire energica,iti place sa dansezi, sa experimentezi coregrafii noi pe ghetele de Kangoo, daca iti plac antrenamentele intense care te provoaca sa te autodepasesti, atunci CHALLENGE DAY este un eveniment de fitness perfect pentru tine.
   Aici vei intalni unii din cei mai buni instructori in domeniu care vor prezenta clase si concepte noi de antrenament, si te vor tine in priza pana la sfarsitul zilei.

  Taxa de participare pentru cele doua zile de Challenge Day este de 35 €. 


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