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Adunare Gen Extraordinara a F.R.K - azi 30.08.2014 PDF Imprimare Email
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Sâmbătă, 30 August 2014 07:20

                Adunare Generala  Extraordinara a Federatiei  Romane  de  Karate 

                                                    - azi 30.08.2014



            O  parte  insemnata  dintre  cluburile  membre  ale FRK  ,nemultumite  de  actiunile  presedintelui FRK,i-au  dat  acestuia " vot de  neincredere" , si   probabil  ca  doresc  un  alt  presedinte al FRK.




    Locatie  :  Complex  Lia  Manoliu /  Hotel  Sport   ,  ora  12,00


  Update : 

    In Adunarea Generala Extraordinara  a  Federatiei  Romana  de  Karate  organizata in 30.08.2014, prin aprobarea Motiunii de neincredere, Comitetul Director al Federatiei Romane de Karate a fost dizolvat,  si  membrii FRK au hotarat ca pana la urmatoarea Adunare Generala Extraordinara de Alegeri, care se va organiza in 11 octombrie 2014 ora 12:00 la Complexul Sportiv “ Lia Manoliu” din Bucuresti, “Secretarul General, dl. Constantinescu Niculae, sa conduca si sa organizeze alegerile FRK”.


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10th Anniversary SANKER CUP preparations is under way to complete. PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 27 August 2014 16:47

  10th Anniversary SANKER CUP preparations is under way to complete.



    Tournament will be held at Oct 3-5 2014  in the one of the best
    European sports complex "MinskArena" (details at http://www.minskarena.by).As a part of the Tournament on October 3 from 17:00 to 20:00 will be held  referee seminar on the WKF rules (version 8.0) under the leadership of Pavel Savlovsky (EKF Judge «A»).

   The seminar will be held in the conference hall of the hotel "Monastirsky", 6 Cyril and Methodius str. Participation fee - 20 €.SANKER CUP 2014 now is a part of the festival of Japanese culture "Japanese Autumn in Belarus in 2014" which is held by the Embassy of Japan
in the Republic of Belarus.

  Our Tournament was first included in the program of the festival last year, and at the opening ceremony SANKER CUP 2013  athletes were greeted by Ambassador of Japan in the Republic of Belarus  mister Sigehiro Mimori.

   See details http://www.sanker.info/node/998

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World MMA Championships 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 13 August 2014 19:58

     Lotul national de MMA din cadrul FR Kempo va reprezenta Romania la cea de a 2-a editie a Campionatului Mondial de MMA organizat de World MMA Association in Minsk, Bellarus (11-12.09.2014).



   The second World MMA Championship will be held in Minsk, Belarus on the 11-th and 12-th of September.

    The last national championship have already been held and the best amateur athletes that will vie against each on the world stage in search of gold have already been identified.

    World MMA Championship will of course be carried out in accordance with the rules and requirements of World MMA Association.
   Individual team competitions will be held in 6 traditional weight categories with individual team classification among the participating countries. Aloowed to participate are males from 18 years+.

The venue for the World Championship is the Chizhovka Arena, a multi-use indoor arena in Minsk, Belarus. It is intended mostly for concerts, ice hockey and other indoor sporting events. The arena has a capacity of ~9,600 people. It was used as one of two main venues for the 2014 Men's World Ice Hockey Championships. The arena was officially opened on December 25, 2013.

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