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50th EKF Senior Championships PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Joi, 05 Martie 2015 23:44

                 In  perioada    19-22 March 2015  va  avea  loc  la  Istanbul (Turkey)   cel  de  al 

                   50th EKF Senior Championships




The Championship

The European Karate Championships are organised by the European Karate Federation each year.

Events from 1966 to 1996 were organized by the European Karate Union. In 1961, Jacques Delcourt was appointed President of French Karate, which was at that stage, an associated member of the Judo Federation. In 1963, he invited six other known European federations (Italy, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Spain) to come to France for the first-ever international karate event. Great Britain and Belgium accepted the invitation.

By 1965, the European Karate Union was created with Jacques Delcourt voted in as President. The following year the first European Karate Championships were held in Paris.

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Campionatului National de Karate SKDUN 2015 PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Joi, 05 Martie 2015 20:36


               Programul de desfasurare:
08:30 - prezenta sportivilor de la tineret si seniori in sala pentru incalzire
09:00 – 09:15 – sedinta tehnica de arbitraj
09:15 – 12:00 – kata + kumite (tineret + seniori)
12:00 – 12:30 - sedinta tehnica a departamentului SKDUN ( prezenta obligatorie a tuturor antrenorilor si instructorilor )
12:30 – 15:30 – kata copii, minicadeti, cadeti si juniori
15:30 – 16:15 – pauza de masa pentru arbitrii
16:15 – 19:00 – kumite copii, minicadeti, cadeti si juniori

Centrul Sportiv Apollo
Bd. Energeticienilor Nr. 5, langa AUCHAN- VITAN, 70000 Bucharest, Romania
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the current competition rules -WKF Kata PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Luni, 02 Martie 2015 17:03

           Kata  Seminar Welcome  !


pdf button Competition rules Kata (pdf)


  Multumim  Domnului  Presedinte  al  Federatiei  Romane de Karate  , Domnul  Octavian Amzulescu  !


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