
Ştiri, evenimente
Redirectionare 2% din Impozitul platit la stat de catre salariati PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Vineri, 01 Mai 2015 15:25

                             Contam  pe  sprijinul  dvs.  :

  Redirectionati  catre  SPORT   2%  din  Impozitul  deja  dat  de  salariati catre  stat


SPORT de Performanta +Sport de  masa = Mindrie  Nationala  +  Sanatate

   Tot  ce  trebuie  sa  faceti  este  sa  Complectati     doar   Capitolul  I  din  Fisa  230 -  care  este  in  attach -  si  sa  o  semnati  la   contribuabil  .

   Dupa  aceea  ori    o  trimite-ti  intr-un  plic   la  Administratia  Financiara  unde  locuiti  , sau  ne-o  trimite-ti  noua.

            MULTUMIM  !!!


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6th World Shotokan Championships Tbilisi & Georgia PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Miercuri, 29 Aprilie 2015 09:39




  World Shotokan Championships  will be carried out under W.S.K.U. Rules with Shobu Ippon and Kata categories,  also WKF Kumite categories will be carried out under Official WKF Rules.

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SportAccord President's opening speech at SAC 2015 PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Luni, 20 Aprilie 2015 15:11

      The power of sport are the International Federations.

  The engine of sport are the National Federations with Ministries of Sport, the NOCs and the athletes.
Sport today is not only a mechanism meant to organise big events and create champions, it is also an important education factor for the young generations, a discipline and health activator. Moreover, it is the key element of progress for the youth of the world, in the spirit of solidarity, friendship and peace.
SportAccord is the International Federations. My only intention is to protect the interests of the International Federations and to have a proper working relationship while providing them with projects and platforms in order to increase their visibility, exposure, participation and finance. Many projects are under way, including multi-sport games, integrity and doping-free, media house, SportAccord Academy and many more which you will learn about later today. We enjoy working in collaboration with ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, AIMS in order to add value.


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