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Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului supune dezbaterii publice proiectul Legii Tineretului PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 12 Aprilie 2017 14:42


     Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului supune dezbaterii publice proiectul  Legii Tineretului.

     Pentru eficientizarea centralizării propunerilor/observațiilor de modificare, vă rugăm să aveţi amabilitatea de a le transmite în termen de 20 zile

Grup ţintă

Toate persoanele fizice sau juridice interesate pot transmite propuneri/opinii/sugestii cu privire la proiectul de act normativ.


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Be Comfortable being Uncomfortable PDF Imprimare Email
Scris de GD   
Luni, 10 Aprilie 2017 16:44
Be Comfortable being Uncomfortable 
By Ray Hughes
" For those of us who have trained many years, traditional karate has changed our lives in amazing ways.  We have learned many subtle things, even if we can't consciously recall all of them. One of those normally forgotten valuable benefits is learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable; in other words, learning to grow and be at ease outside our comfort zone.
In the martial arts we are taught not to let our mind limit our potential.   The mind tries to convince us we cannot reach exceptional goals because of intelligence, environment, bad luck, etc.  We instinctively limit ourselves and it takes years of training to begin to rise to the challenge of breaking through our self-imposed limits.   If we can accomplish this, the sky's the limit.  
To accomplish exceptional goals, we must learn to step outside of our comfort zone. Greatness requires us to be uncomfortable, but we humans resist this feeling. We don't like being uncomfortable.
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Campionatului European de Karate WUKF PDF Imprimare Email
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Marţi, 04 Aprilie 2017 19:44


                             wukf 2017

      In perioada 06-09.04.2017 Complexul Sportiv "Cluj Arena" - Sala Polivalenta va gazdui cea de-a IX-a editie a Campionatului European de Karate WUKF All Ages.

            Federatia Romana de Karate WUKF - gazda organizatoare a evenimentului anunta ca la inchiderea inscrierilor in competitie se aflau pe grilele de start , peste 1800 de sportivi din 26 de tari europene . 55 de Federatii Nationale s-au aliniat la startul acestei de-a IX a editii a C.E WUKF alaturi de 98 de arbitri si 190 de antrenori.


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