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23 June is Olympic Day! PDF Imprimare Email
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Vineri, 23 Iunie 2017 11:51
     Today – 23 June – is Olympic Day !
      Spurred on by the Olympic Movement, close to six million people across the globe, young and old alike, are reversing the trend away from sport and are moving, jumping, stretching and getting their sweat on to promote a healthy and active lifestyle and celebrate the birth of the modern Olympic Games and its values. 

       According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), globally, one in four adults are not active enough and more than 80 per cent of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active. In a bid to reverse that trend, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) called upon the Movement at large – from National Olympic Committees (NOCs), International and National Sports Federations to Organising Committees of Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games, National Olympians Associations and Young Ambassadors – to help get the “couch potatoes off the couch”. 

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Federația Sportului Școlar și Universitar PDF Imprimare Email
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Marţi, 20 Iunie 2017 17:08


   Hotărârea nr. 1239/1996 privind înființarea, organizarea și funcționarea Federației Sportului Școlar și Universitar

Text publicat în M.Of. al României.

În vigoare de la 25 noiembrie 1996

Art. 1. - Modificări (1)

(1) Se aprobă înființarea Federației Sportului Școlar și Universitar, cu sediul în București, str. Vasile Conta nr. 16, sectorul 2, unitate autonomă cu personalitate juridică, care funcționează pe lângă Ministerul Învățământului.
Modificări (3)


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European Universities Karate Championship 2017 PDF Imprimare Email
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Joi, 15 Iunie 2017 16:29


     European Universities Championships (EUC) are university sports competitions governed by the European University Sports Association (EUSA). There are currently 19 sports in which the championships are organised. Participants in these events are European university teams and individuals.

The championships have been organised annually since 2001, and since 2012 they are organised on a biannual basis, with European Universities Games (EUG) being organised in even years as a multi-sport events, and the individual championships being organised in odd years. "I am happy to greet you at the 8th European Universities Karate Championship in Coimbra, Portugal!

On behalf of the whole EUSA community, I would like to express my gratitude for inviting European student-athletes here. It’s a wonderful occasion to be together and experience the beauty of sport. I am pleased to see so many sport lovers, who share values of fair play, equal opportunities and education, promoted by EUSA.

European Universities Championships 2017 organized in 19 sports make it possible for student-athletes to get to know each other and challenge their skills in a friendly atmosphere. During such events we do more than just sport – we broaden our horizons, get to know other cultures, we promote healthy mind in a healthy body.

Being an organizer of such an event is challenging but rewarding. I know it’s a hard task, and I want to express my appreciation to the Organizing Committee and its partners for the great job they have done. And of course, my gratitude to the authorities for their auspices of this event.

I believe that this Championship will bring the participants positive experiences and good results. I am sure that the athletes will compete in a fair play manner, respecting the rules and their opponents and please the spectators with their performance.

I hope you will enjoy your stay, your achievements and your time spent in Coimbra!

Good luck!  "

    Adam Roczek

    EUSA President


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