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Karate Combat - a new professional combat sports league PDF Imprimare Email
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Vineri, 06 Aprilie 2018 09:12


                     Imagini pentru KARATE COMBAT

"Get ready for professional karate. 

Karate Combat announced Wednesday the launch of a new professional combat sports league.

The first live event, Karate Combat: Inception, will air April 26 from Miami Beach, followed by an all USA vs. Iran fight card in Dubai. The private pre-season event, Karate Combat: Genesis, took place in Budapest, Hungary. Events will occur all over the world. 

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WKF tests new system for Kata evaluation PDF Imprimare Email
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Vineri, 30 Martie 2018 16:17

  The Competition Rules Commission of the World Karate Federation tested this past weekend a new and improved system for evaluating the Kata competition. The test of the updated system was conducted during the Swedish National Karate Championships; it aims at applying electronic procedures in the evaluation of the Kata performance. 

   The new system is based on a panel of seven judges giving one-point value for technique and another for athleticism, which respectively amounts to 70% and 30% of the total points. The two highest and the two lowest scores are eliminated thus leaving three scores in each category that are added up to result in the total count of points awarded to the athlete.



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Cupa 1 Iunie - Ziua Copilului la karate PDF Imprimare Email
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Miercuri, 28 Martie 2018 17:11

               Cupa 1 Iunie - Ziua Copilului la karate


   Clubul Sportiv Shogunul Oradea în parteneriat cu Palatul Copiilor şi Elevilor Oradea, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Bihor, Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Bihor şi Primăria Comunei Sântandrei.

   Scopul competiţiei: Asigurarea condiţiilor pentru sportivii români de a câştiga experienţă de competiţie cu alţi sportivi, buna colaborare şi prietenie între diferite stiluri şi circuite de karate, respectiv popularizarea disciplinei de karate, ca sport!

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