
25 Ianuarie 2014 - O zi de legenda pentru sariturile cu schiurile in Romania PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 25 Ianuarie 2014 14:41

25 Ianuarie 2014  - ora 9:30. 

     Pare o zi obisnuita , de iarna , in care tara noastra este creionata de o nuanta alba ce domina intreg peisajul tarii.

  Nu este insa o zi deloc obisnuita  . Astazi , a avut loc momentul mult asteptat de romani , in special cei care urmaresc sariturile cu schiurile de 6 ani incoace, de la semnarea tratatului cu OMV de catre Federatia Romana de Ski si Biatlon .

  Sa luam lucrurile pas cu pas. Saptamana trecuta la Sapporo , s-a desfasurat etapa de Cupa Continentala , in care baietii nostrii Iulian Pitea si Eduard Torok au obtinut puncte , respectiv locurile 12 si 27. Locul 12 a fost si recordul pentru o clasare in Cupa Continentala . Forma aratata de cei doi baieti aflati sub bagheta lui Florin Spulber , au determinat o continuare a sederii lor in Tara Soarelui Rasare pentru etapele de Cupa Mondiala.

   Astfel ei au sarit ieri in calificari , Iulian Pitea obtinand calificarea pentru etapa de astazi , si a facut din aceasta zi o zi care va intra in legenda pentru totdeauna. Nu folosesc cuvinte mari , urmaresc sariturile sub comentariul domnului  Hobana din 2002 , si am asteptat ca toti romanii sa pot vedea un roman live , intr-o etapa . Astazi , visul a fost implinit , insa cum nu ne putem multumi cu putin , speram ca maine sa il avem si pe Eduard Torok  in prima mansa  .
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De ce sa facem sport: 50 de motive care te vor convinge PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 23 Ianuarie 2014 17:09

                Kilogramele  in  plus  si  starea  de  bine  a  organismului  nu sunt  intotdeauna  suficiente  pentru a ne convinge sa facem sport.


    Pretexte se gasesc intotdeauna: nu avem timp destul, suntem obositi, ne luam de lucru si acasa, familia este pe primul plan etc. Acestea sunt motive destul de bune, desigur, insa nu ne scuza dezinteresul pentru ceea ce ne-ar putea prelungi viata sau ne-ar putea feri de diversele afectiuni cronice, ce pot deveni fatale. Noi ne-am gandit sa te facem sa te razgandesti si sa iti oferim 50 de motive care te vor convinge sa incluzi miscarea pe lista ta de activitati zilnice.

Asadar, iata de ce sa facem sport!

1. Te binedispune

Sportul te face sa uiti de stresul zilnic. Concentreaza-te cat mai mult pe activitatile fizice realizate acasa, la sala sau in aer liber, pentru a obtine rezultatele dorite. 
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Karate-Do Indo-Ryu Association PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 22 Ianuarie 2014 10:39
   Karate-Do Indo-Ryu Association is a non-profit, non commercial reputed registered body having its branches all over India and various other countries as well.
   This  association is affiliated with various other international bodies outside India.
We have been successful in establishing our branches in various countries, which includes India, USA, Australia, Kuwait, Saudi, Pakistan and Philippines  We are looking forward to strengthen our association by increasing the representatives in unrepresented areas i.e. Domestic as well as at International level.

   Our aim is not only the promotion of Martial Arts as a means of self defense but also to promote it as a way of life for self defense, physical fitness & self confidence. Our aim is to develop healthy bodies with healthy minds, so that our students can become not only good martial artists but better human beings also. We teach them not only how to fight against opponents but we also prepare them against difficult situations and times. Our students excel not only in Martial Arts but other sports as well. It helps building power, stamina and concentration, what a true Martial Arts should give.

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Wado International Karate-Do Federation PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 22 Ianuarie 2014 17:04

   Welcome to the official web site for the Wado International Karate-Do Federation as designated by the late Tatsuo Suzuki, the purpose of these pages are to describe the various aspects of our organisation, its people, schools, and events.


   It is hoped that this site will bring all members around the world closer together uniting use as one large family. For non-members, we hope you find the material both useful and informative, and that you gain some insight into our association and its values.

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World Karate-do Traditional Confederation - WKTC PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 19 Ianuarie 2014 21:55

                    The World Karate-do Traditional Confederation -

   WKTC was founded on 20/07/2013 in Brazil by a small group of great masters and creators of tennis lovers from various countries and they suck karate and has the form as your way of life.


    We need to create the WKTC, for various reasons, and among them to offer the space to other organizations participating in the World Karate.

     Much of the current International Karate Organizations are in the majority or closed groups that accepts only one organization or are an organization that accepts only pure style or multi-style groups that accept only one federation per country.

    Therefore, many federations and associations are left outside world International Karate.

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