
2014 Feb 7-9, 41st EKF Junior & Cadet Lisbon, Portugal PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 02 Februarie 2014 22:42

                     It is for me and for all of the components of

        the European karate family a great  pleasure to visit,

                          the city of Lisbon in Portugal.


    More than 40 European countries are going to meet in Lisbon around

these European Cadet and Junior Championships - as well as under 21 European Cup -

and around karate, a sport that is proving day by day
not only how deep it is merged in our society but also the added value that its practice
gives irrespective of age and condition.
       The Karate Federation of Portugal is a very loyal and appreciated member from both
the European Karate Federation and the World Karate Federation, for both qualitative
and quantitative reasons. We are aware of the progress that karate has experienced in
the country and how positively it has been contributing to the worldwide development
of our sport.
The recent loss of the PKF President Joao Salgado is something that has tremendously
hit all of us but at the same time it is a strong motivation to work for a successful event
and to show Joao that this event, his event, will give us the opportunity to again
honour his memory and thank him for all he did in life for Karate.
We also want to congratulate the Portuguese Federation for the commitment,
professionalism and interest shown for the successful organization of these
Championships, and wish that this event will serve to further promote karate
popularity and practice throughout the country.
In the name of the whole European Karate, thank you for your inestimable
contribution, and be sure that we all will enjoy unforgettable days in Lisbon and
Antonio Espinos, President of the European Karate Federation

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Eveniment Kensa Kikan PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 29 Ianuarie 2014 14:50


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Editia a XI-a a cupei “ MICKEY MOUSE “ - karate - pentru copii PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 27 Ianuarie 2014 15:50

 Sambata , 25 ianuarie 2014 , localitatea Floresti – jud. CLUJ ,

a fost  gazda editiei  a XI-a a cupei “ MICKEY MOUSE “ - karate -

                                     pentru copii .


La startul acestei competitii s-au aliniat 385 de copiii cu varste intre 6 – 14 ani , proveniti din 21 de cluburi din tara.


Din aceasta prima competitie inscrisa in calendarul competitional al F.R.Karate WKC , aflata la a XI editie , de-a lungul anilor ce au trecut s-au format actualii componenti ai lotului national FRK WKC “ ne-a declarat dl. ADRIAN GHERMAN presedintele clubului organizator HAYASHI ACTIV Floresti.

Acesta a tinut sa multumeasca pe aceasta cale Primariei Floresti , DJTS Cluj ,

si nu in ultimul rand conducerii FRK WKC care an de an au facut ca aceasta competitie sa creasca in valoare si competivitate.


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Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Federatiei Romane de Karate pentru data de 15.02.2014, PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 29 Ianuarie 2014 11:44

                   CONVOCARE    ADUNARE  GENERALA  2014


         In atentia structurilor sportive legal constituite si recunoscute oficial, care detin calitatea de membrii afiliati la Federatia Romana de Karate

   In conformitate cu hotararea luata in sedinta Comitetului Director din data de 15.01.2014;

   In temeiul prevederilor art. 23,2 din Statutul F.R.Karate, actualizat cu ultimele completari si modificari hotarate in adunarea generala extraordinara din 30.05.2009;

Comitetul Director al Federatiei Romane de Karate convoaca Adunarea Generala Ordinara pentru data de 15.02.2014, ora .12:00, ce se va desfasura la Complexul Olimpic "Sydney 2000" , com. Ciolpani, sat Izvorani, jud. Ilfov.

Punctul 14 din Convocatorul pentru Adunarea Generala, este dactilografiat gresit.
In acest sens va comunicam ca textul corect, al Punctului 14 din Convocator este urmatorul:
 14. Aprobarea noului Statut  FR Karate.





Ne cerem scuze pentru aceasta erorare de dactilografie.

Secretar General FR Karate

Constantinescu Niculae



Info to all WKF Referees si nu numai................. PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 26 Ianuarie 2014 23:17

                          Referees, Judges and Candidates please remember
                          (From WKF Rules of the Referee Commission)

         Kata and Kumite Candidates must be at least 25 years old and be a minimum 2nd WKF Dan Grade.
         The National Federations may nominate their country’s citizens as candidates to the WKF Referee course.     

         Candidates must be qualified National Kumite Referee A or National Kata Judge A. Candidates must be registered with the RC Secretary at least 60 days before the start or face a fine or other penalties as decided by the EC.
         Provided that an official keeps their licence up to date, attends a WKF Championship at least once in every two years, attends the pre-championship briefing and officiates satisfactorily then they will not be expected to undergo another practical examination, although they must sit and pass the theory paper which will be presented at the end of the pre-Championships briefing, once in every two years.

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