
Karate Do as a Martial Art: War or Peace? PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 16 Iunie 2019 17:48

            The Origin of Karate Do as Martial Art

             Back in the days, martial arts prepared warriors for hand-to-hand combat. Self-protection was paramount. In such a system was little room for art, spiritualism, moral, ethical formalism, and the pursuit of mental and physical perfection. Martial arts were perceived as “arts of war” that were based on the logic of “kill or be killed”.

                Karate Do: A Martial Art?

            Karate Do is also a martial art. But can we say it is an art of war? No. But that has not always been the case. Until the 1980´s, training focused on toughness. Masters during that time were less aesthetic, less athletic, less explosive than they are today. On the other hand, they were very strong and trained like that.


The stories about that period are numerous. My father (VII Dan, class ’53) told me:

“The training sessions in the 70´s were characterized by strong physical training. The conditioning of the body included an indefinite number of flexions on the arms and abdominal bending. Followed by hundreds of repetitions of basic techniques. I remember having performed the first kata with a training partner on my shoulders, I performed the positions and he the techniques of arms . When Master Hiroshi Shirai arrived on Sardinia, it was a great honor for us despite the hardness of the training and the inflexibility towards the smallest mistake”.

In the first years of Karate development in Europe, students were all adults. Being all big and strong they had no problems with hard training sessions like in Japan. Thus, the numbers of athletes grew very fast and reached 150.000 Karateka during the ’70s that.

The Change of Karate Do during the 1980´s

The euphoria of the early years, however, slowly faded away. The reason for the decrease was that Westerners understood Karate Do as a sport and a sort of workout. For the most Karateka rigors training sessions like in Japan were just too tough.

Marco Sanna During Karate Practice
                Marco Sanna during Karate Practice
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World Judgement Day Cup PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 13 Iunie 2019 12:03
                                 Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni şi oameni făcând sport

     FRFK President Mr. Adrian Dejanu (Romanian Federation of Freestyle Kickboxing)     Dear coaches, instructors and athletes,     I have the privilege to welcome you to Romania on 13th and 15th of September 2019, for JUDGEMENT DAY World Cup. The Organizing Committee is making its maximum effort to ensure all requirement for a quality and successful competition, hoping that you will spend a quality time in Targoviste and that you enjoy this tournament!I wish all the athletes good luck and I am sure that this World Cup will be for all of us a chance for new friendships and unforgettable memories. Thank you in advance for your support. See you soon!Bucharest Youth Foundation - President Mr. Ticu Plăcintă
   I have the pleasure to invite you on the 13th and 15th of September 2019 to the JUDGEMENT DAY World Cup, XIV edition, in Bucharest, where Bucharest Youth Foundation is co-organizer.GENERAL RULES & OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION• WHEN TO COME


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the 15th International Karate Tournament MINSK OPEN - SANKER CUP 2019. PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 20 Mai 2019 09:15

    Sanker Cup

     Dear colleagues!

     On behalf of the SANKER CUP Organizing Committee we had a honor to invite you to the 15th International Karate Tournament MINSK OPEN - SANKER CUP 2019.

Tournament will be held at October 12, 2019 in the one of the best European sports complex "Minsk-Arena".

Online registration for SANKER CUP 2019 will be available from September 1 at Sportdata and at our website.

In the previous years SANKER CUP give karateka's a good reception from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Estonia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.


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" CUPA VLADUT " PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 11 Iunie 2019 16:57

   In data de 22 Iunie 2019, se va desfasura, in Bucuresti, un eveniment cu scop umanitar in vederea strangerii de fonduri destinate acoperirii unei parti din cheltuielile necesare vindecarii sportivului VLAD ANDREI PASCARU, in varsta de 6 ani, membru al Clubului Sportiv Triada Bucuresti.

Aceasta competitie intitulata " CUPA VLADUT ", va fi organizata de Clubul Sportiv Triada Bucuresti.

Orice informatie legata de participare va fi obtinuta de la Domnul ROSU ROBERT, organizator al evenimentului ( tel:0722.874.356. /  email : Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza ).

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Karate1 Series A - Istanbul 2019 PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 15 Mai 2019 11:35
     Dear Friends,
   As Turkish Karate Federation we would like to welcome to all participants to the city of Istanbul which connects two continents Asia and Europe with three bridges of hearts and also friendship of our magnificent society of Karate. I would like to personally thank the President of World Karate Federation Mr. Antonio Espinós for his continued support to the World Karate Family and to Turkish Karate Federation. We are ready to host our guests in the Karate 1 Series A which is also one of the most important events of WKF and a station on the way of OlympicGames in Tokyo 2020. I wish all delegations to have unforgettable moments in Istanbul. Sincerely yours Esat Delihasan
      The President of Turkish Karate Federation

  Romania  va  fi  prezenta  cu  un  numar   important  de  sportivi  :

ROMANIA   AGACHE STELA ADINA    Female Kumite -55 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   ALEXANDRU ANDRADA    Female Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   ATANASOV GABRIEL    Male Kumite 84+ Kg 2019-05-01 14:12:38
 ROMANIA   BACIU RALUCA    Female Kumite -68 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   BAICU ORLANDO    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-03-30 13:59:56
 ROMANIA   BOGDAN ANDREEA    Female Kumite -61 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   CHELES CLAUDIU    Male Kumite 84+ Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   CHELES IULIAN    Male Kumite 84+ Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   CIRLAN VALENTIN    Male Kumite -60 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   DAMIAN MARIO    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-05-01 14:12:38
 ROMANIA   DUTA GINI ANDREI    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   Geslouin Marceau    Male Kumite -84 Kg 2019-04-22 20:59:17
 ROMANIA   GOGOLOSI BOGDAN MARIAN FLORIN    Male Kumite -60 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:14
 ROMANIA   GROSU IONUT    Male Kumite 84+ Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   GUTA ADRIAN RAZVAN    Male Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   GUTA ALINA MIHAELA    Female Kumite -55 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   IOJA NICOLAE RAZVAN    Male Kumite -60 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   IOJA RAZVAN    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-03-30 13:59:56
 ROMANIA   IORDACHE AURELIAN GABRIEL    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   IORGA VLAD    Male Kumite -84 Kg 2019-05-01 14:12:38
 ROMANIA   IOVESCU DENIS    Male Kumite -84 Kg 2019-05-01 14:12:39
 ROMANIA   IPATE IONUT    Male Kumite -75 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   LAMBREA ANDREI CRISTIAN    Male Kumite -60 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   MIHALACHE MARIAN CRISTIAN    Male Kumite -84 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   MIREA ALEXANDRINA    Female Kumite 68+ Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   MITRAN ALINA ELENA    Female Kumite -68 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   MITRICA IONUT ROBERT    Male Kumite -60 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   NEDELCU ANDREI GABRIEL    Male Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   OLTEANU LAVINIA    Female Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   PACHE CRISTIAN    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   PAMFIL VLAD    Male Kumite -60 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   PARAU LORENA NATALIA    Female Kumite -55 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   PAUN IONUT ALEXANDRU    Male Kumite 84+ Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   POP ALEXANDRA    Female Kumite -50 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   POPESCU DANIEL GEORGE    Male Kumite -84 Kg 2019-05-01 14:12:38
 ROMANIA   RIZEA VLAD    Male Kumite 84+ Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   ROSU ROBERT    Male Kumite -75 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   ROTARU ANA CARMINA    Female Kumite -61 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   ROTARU CRISTINA MARIA    Female Kumite -55 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   SANDU ALEXANDRU    Male Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   STANCIU DENISA ANDREEA    Female Kumite -50 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:11
 ROMANIA   STANILA MIHAI    Male Kumite -67 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   TEODORESCU DANA    Female Kumite -61 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   TINCA GEORGIANA    Female Kumite -50 Kg 2019-05-01 14:12:38
 ROMANIA   TODIRAS RADU ALEXANDRU    Male Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:12
 ROMANIA   TODIRAS RADU ALEXANDRU    Male Kumite -75 Kg 2019-04-30 10:40:13
 ROMANIA   VISAN CATALINA    Female Kata 2019-04-30 10:40:13

   insotiti  de  antrenorii :

  CRISAN FLORIN     2019-04-30 10:05:55
        ROMANIA(ROU), ROMANIA   ENE SEBASTIAN_GEORGE     2019-04-30 10:05:19
        ROMANIA(ROU), ROMANIA   GHINEA ADRIAN     2019-04-30 10:04:39
        ROMANIA(ROU), ROMANIA   IACOB ION_MARIUS     2019-04-30 10:04:54
        ROMANIA(ROU), ROMANIA   IANCU TRAIAN_GHEORGHITA     2019-04-30 10:04:03
        ROMANIA(ROU), ROMANIA   LAMBREA ADRIANA     2019-04-30 10:05:39
        ROMANIA(ROU), ROMANIA   PAMFIL CATALIN     2019-04-30 10:06:14
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