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9th European Shotokan Karate Championships PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 26 Iulie 2012 08:43

9th   European Shotokan Karate Championship will be held in Moscow, Russia on 5-7 October 2012.




   Individual WKF Kumite Male and Female
Individual SHOBU Kumite Male and Female
Team Kumite SHOBU Male and Female
Team Kata
Rules : WKF Rules will be applied in WKF Categories
WSKU Rules will be applied in SHOBU Categories
Registrations : Registrations must be made online on www.sportdata.org

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Concurs de Lupte Combat PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 19 Iulie 2012 17:48





BCR Ladies Open Romania 2012 PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 12 Iulie 2012 13:12



Va asteptam sa urmariti meciurile de tenis, incepand cu acest weekend (calificarile fiind cele mai spectaculoase) la Arenele BNR.

Echipa Olimpica a Romaniei la Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra PDF Imprimare Email
Miercuri, 11 Iulie 2012 11:30

   Comitetul Executiv al Comitetului Olimpic si Sportiv Roman a aprobat in cadrul sedintei de astazi componenta Echipei Olimpice care va face deplasarea la JO de la Londra. La cele 15 discipline sportive olimpice vor concura 104 sportivi, care vor fi insotiti de 58 oficiali, plus seful de misiune si adjunctul sefului de misiune. La Londra vor mai face deplasarea si patru rezerve, doua la canotaj si doua la scrima.
    La natatie vor face deplasarea patru sportivi si doi oficiali, Camelia Potec, Norbert Trandafir, Dragos Agache si Alexandru Coci urmand a fi insotiti de antrenorii Lucas Philippe Jean Pierre si Ovidiu Galeru.

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8th World University Championships 2012 PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 10 Iulie 2012 19:19

                         12- 15  iulie      -  BRRATISLAVA,, SLOVAKIA



Dear friends,
You are all here in Bratislava today to attend or participate in the 8th World University Karate Championship. This event is part of FISU’s wonderful program featuring 28 World University Championships in 2012; already in 2010, 27 championships had been held, gathering 4431 student athletes.

It is important to mention that over 300 University World Championships have been organized under the aegis of FISU since 1962 in 51 countries over the 5 continents. They have featured 31 disciplines and gathered nearly 55 000 student athletes in total.
The 2012 World University Championships represent the 25th edition of these competitions, which take place every two years in even-numbered years. They alternate with Summer and Winter Universiades, which are organized in odd-numbered years.


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