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European Shotokan Championships & World Shotokan Cup 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 04 Octombrie 2014 12:53

                  European Shotokan Championships & World Shotokan Cup   

                              3 octombrie - 5 octombrie  /  Tirana  - Albania


. European Shotokan Karate Championships & WSKU World Shotokan Cup

will be carried out underW.S.K.U. Rules with Shobu Ippon and Kata categories, also WKF Kumite categories will be carried out under

Official WKF Rules.

Individual and Team Shotokan Kata

Individual and Team Shobu Ippon Kumite

Individual and Team WKF Kumite (Eight Points)

Jyu-Kumite (Unlimited points, two minutes non

-stop fighting, Open Weight)

Registrations will be held through official registration portal of WSKU   www.sportdata.org until 20th of September, 2014

.All official registrations will be done 2nd of October, 2014 starting at 09:00 in the following adress;

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Romanian Open Karate International Tournament PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 04 Octombrie 2014 07:55


     La Timişoara este programat în acest sfârşit de săptămână

         ”Romanian Open Karate International Tournament 2014”.

    Competiţia este organizată de Federaţia Română de Karate, împreună cu Clubul Sportiv Zen-Sho Timişoara, fiind una dintre cele mai importante competiții din calendarul pe acest an.

   Un moment special va fi cel în care va avea loc o demonstraţie a unor sportivi cu diferite grade de handicap.

   Evenimentul are loc la Baza 2 Clubul Sportiv Universitar Timisoara, din zona Stadion, sâmbătă, cu începere de la ora 9, atunci când vor avea loc mai multe cursuri de arbitraj tehnic WKF. Deschiderea oficială a competiţiei va avea loc de la ora 14.


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WKF President: Interview with Budo International magazine PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 03 Octombrie 2014 08:15

    Budo international magazine has published an

       interview with WKF President, Antonio Espinós




   Due to the length  and interest of this article, we have considered convenient

to post it divided into several parts.

  Let’s talk about Japan and its role in a discipline – I’m still reluctant to call it a sport – that was born there.

  Is Japan today just another country within the WKF or is it special because karate originated

in Japan?

  Things are running smoothly with the Japanese Karate Federation right now. We have a

Japanese technical director, Tsuguo Sakumoto. And soon the general secretary will be

Japanese too, Toshihisa Nagura. Japan is a benchmark. My first major trip last year was to

Tokyo. We all know where we come from and it’s important that we do. And it’s also important

for the Japanese to appreciate that we do.



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WKF President meets members in Oceania PDF Imprimare Email
Vineri, 26 Septembrie 2014 20:06



                   WKF President meets members in Oceania

                               (By Makarita Lenoa, WKF Vice-president)


   When the WKF President, Mr Antonio Espinos, visited Oceania on the occasion of the 16th Oceania Karate Championship held in Suva (Fiji) his presence wasn’t only meaningful to karatekas and members of the Oceania Karate Federation, it also provided an opportunity for NF Presidents and Officials, Referees, Coaches and Athletes to meet with the WKF President in person.  

   The government of Fiji also acknowledged his presence as it is not common for a President of a World Federation to visit Oceania in particular the Pacific Islands, like Fiji. 

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Sâmbătă, 20 Septembrie 2014 14:19

Clubul Sportiv „POLITEHNICA” CLUJ Primăria şi Consiliul Local Cluj ,Direcţia Județeana pentru Sport

si Tineret Cluj ,World Union of Karate Do Federations


Vă lansează provocarea de a participa la  aV- a ediţie a:




Locul desfăşurării: Cluj Napoca

Data: 20–21 septembrie 2014

Locaţia : Sala Sporturilor „Horia Demian” Cluj Napoca

Program:    -19 septembrie –Seminar de arbitraj internațional

                   -20 septembrie – 09.00–12:00–prima parte a competiției

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