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Cit timp ar trebui sa nu activeze un sportiv dupa un KO ? PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 08 Noiembrie 2014 23:23
Posted By dr. Alexandru Amarfei On Wednesday, December 15th 2010 In Articole, Medicale |  | 

Sporturile de contact produc o imprejurare speciala: daca in multe alte discipline sportive exista accidentari prin traumatism, doar in disciplinele de lupta obtinerea unui „knockout”, sau a unei incapacitari (si) prin traumatism cranian, este tinta competitiei. Desi sunt sporturi vechi, unele existand chiar dinaintea termenului „sport”, ideea de a face din KO tinta competitiei ramane socanta, astfel incat exista destui medici care, datorita propriilor perceptii asupra problemei, cer interzicerea oricaror sporturi unde este permisa si cautata obtinerea knockout-ului.

La o examinare mai riguroasa, descoperim cu usurinta ca nu exista un consens asupra a ceea ce reprezinta un KO prin lovitura la cap, nici informatii suficiente despre mecanismele prin care se produce. Nu exista, de asemenea, nici consens asupra conduitelor medicale de urmat in cazul unui KO prin traumatism cranian. Voi incerca in cele ce urmeaza sa expun problemele, pe cat posibil debarasate de jargonul medical prea complex.

KO si TKO – definitii arbitrare


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6th International Martial Arts Games PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 06 Noiembrie 2014 10:55



    The IMG is a once in every two years international competitions of different martial arts sports from various associations and federation worldwide manage by their respective governing body or IF sanctioned by the International Martial Arts Games Committee (IMGC).

    The formal signing of Memorandum of Agreement for the hosting of the 2015 - 6th IMG in Philippines between the International Federation represented by GM Prof. Jonathan "June" Makiling Abaya and the International Martial Arts Games Committee represented by Director for Competition GM O Nam IL witnessed by the Engr. Jose Diaz and Tourism Promotions Board Senior Project Officers Noemi Cruz and Mayet Santillan at Traders Hotel in Roxas Boulevard, Manila, Philippines.

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Karate - Proclamati i nuovi Campioni Italiani Cadetti di Karate PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 02 Noiembrie 2014 19:36

Roma 1 novembre 2014 –

     La ventinovesima edizione del Campionato italiano Cadetti ha proclamato oggi al PalaPellicone I nuovi campioni d'Italia.



    Ad aggiudicarsi il titolo nella classifica delle società è stato lo Shirai Club San Valentino con 34 punti seguito dal World Wellness Karate Sorso con 18 punti e il Tlarico Karate Team con 16 punti.

Domani, dalle ore 9.00 sarà la volta delle classi femminili.

Di seguito i Campioni d'Italia Cadetti Maschili 2014:

50Kg – 1) Andrea Marchio 2) Luca Secco 3) Filippo Baldi 3) Giordano Salvucci

55Kg – 1) Roberto Ferraiolo 2) Davide Pagano 3) Luca Scala 3) Roberto Panorano

61Kg - 1) Antonio Della Volpe 2) Davide Pizzo 3) Francesco Pinto 3) Giuseppe Tatoli

68Kg - 1) Luca D'Agui 2) Stefano Iannone 3) Nicola Simmi 3) Luca Buono

76Kg - 1) Antonio De Stefano 2) Alessandro Gatto 3) Gianfranco Brunori 3) Alessandro Franca

+76Kg – 1) Michele Ciani 2) Aziz Abbes Mouhidine 3) Marco Monacis 3) Romano Fiore

I rusultati completi sono consultabili sulla pagina Gare erisultati del sito federale.



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The WKF World Championships 2014 PDF Imprimare Email
Duminică, 02 Noiembrie 2014 19:23


Prezentare generală   The WKF World Championships 2014

Sportivi :  1200  din 140 de țări
Spectatori estimati : până la 50 000 de spectatori
  - mai mult de 250 de arbitri


   The  22nd  Karate  Senior  World  Championships  will  take  place  in  Bremen,  Germany,  from  5 th to  9thof  November  2014.  In  2003  Bremen  already  organized  a  big  international  karate  Championships:  the  European  Senior Championships.  

   The  World  Senior  Championships  are  organised  every  two  years  since  their  creation  in  1970,  and  the  previous  edition  was  held  in  Paris.

    World  Senior  Championships  are  the  most  important  events  for  Karate  and  are  highly   accepted  by  athletes  and  karate  fans

   Romania  este  reprezentata   la  aceasta  competitie  de  un  lot  reprezentativ, caruia  ii  uram  SUCCES  !!


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the 22nd World Senior Championships karate WKF PDF Imprimare Email
Sâmbătă, 01 Noiembrie 2014 20:51


   The online registration of athletes for the 22nd World Senior Championships in Bremen has now closed and the names of the participants are disclosed.Over the next week, all karate eyes will turn to Bremen, Germany.

    From Wednesday 5th to Sunday 9th of November, around 900 athletes from at least 107 nations will compete to become the new World Karate Champions of one of the 16 existing categories. In individual categories, 8 champions of the last edition in Paris two years ago, will fight to hold on to their title of world champions, namely Alexandra Recchia (France, Fem -50Kg), Lucie Ignace (France, Fem -55Kg), Kayo Someya (Japan, Fem -68Kg), Nadège Ait Ibrahim (France, Fem +68Kg), Antonio Diaz (Venezuela, Male Kata), Magdy Hanafy (Egypt, Male -67Kg), Luigi Busa (Italy, Male -75 Kg) and Enes Erkan (Turkey, Male +84Kg).Along with the reigning World Champions, most of the Grand Winners of 2014 season will also be present in Bremen. The French Alexandra Recchia is the only athlete with both titles.

   The other Grand Winners, Sara Cardin (Italy, Fem -55Kg), Anita Serogina (Ukraine, Fem -61Kg), Inga Sheroziya (Russia, Fem -68Kg), Helena Kuusisto (Finland, Fem +68Kg), Vu Duc Minh Dack (France, Male Kata), Luca Maresca (Italy, Male -60Kg), Dome Szegedi (Hungary, Male -67Kg), Stanislav Horuna (Ukraine, Male -75kg) and Berat Jakupi (FYR of Macedonia, Male -84Kg), will thus fight to win their first world title in the senior category.

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