
Campionatul Mondial de Sporturi Combat- ziua luptelor - Pagina 2 PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 24 Octombrie 2013 08:01
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Campionatul Mondial de Sporturi Combat- ziua luptelor
Pagina 2
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Și aici cea  mai  buna  a fost Maria Shkvarunets.
A doua zi  s-a terminat cu lupte greco-romane. Rușii au fost  mai puternici în concursul pe echipe împotriva   unei  echipe Mondiale.
Scorul final a fost 6:1.
 Rezultatele   din  aceasta  zi de  la  lupte  sunt după cum urmează

Men, under 66 kg:

Gold - Surkhai Asadulaev (Russia)

Silver - Zainutdin Zainukov (Russia)

Bronze - Piotr Podstawzcuk (Poland)

Men, under 77 kg:

Gold - Oleg Bagov (Russia)

Silver - Magomed Abdulkadirov (Russia)

Bronze - Kamil Mitosek (Russia)

Men, under 84 kg:

Gold - Macej Glabus (Poland)

Silver - Albert Duraev (Russia)

Bronze - Luca Anacoreta (Italy)

Women, under 58 kg:

Gold - Maria Shkvarunets (Russia)

Silver -Viktoria Sinyavina (Ukraine)

Bronze - Oceane Talvard (France)

Greco-Roman wrestling

Team Russia vs World Team 6:1

Worsh Yovanovich, FILA International Committee of Wrestling and Pankration member, speaking about the grappling tournament:

All the athletes who came at these Games are of the highest level. So the matches were really exciting. I'm sure the spectators who came to watch the wrestling say very interesting and spectacular matches. Russia has a very strong team, as well as Ukraine and Poland.”

Alexander Karelin, three time Olympic Champion, WCG ambassador, speaking of the reasons why the Greco-Roman style are passing in the format of team competitions:

It's the most spectacular, lucid and easy for public understanding format. We face not just the task of deciding the strongest wrestlers but also showing the wrestling from the brightest and accessible side. In team contests one can see the whole beauty and unpredictability of the wrestling within one hour. Only seven matches, seven weights – and we face a whole firework of events, the essence of wrestling: different weights, different techniques. I think it's optimal for demonstrating the essence of Greco-Roman wrestling and for enchanting the public with what is happening on the mat.”

Gini Duta Andrei


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