Kyokushin World Union ( KWU ) ROMANIA Imprimare
Vineri, 03 Februarie 2017 09:26


    Kwu România anunţ:
    Kwu România întâlnire va avea loc pe 11 februarie 2017, @ 13:00, Sibiu, România.
Ifk Romania vrea la organizaţii kyokushin român să asocieze la nivel național, după modelul din multe alte ţări.
Cu stimă,
Prof. Christian Hirsch
Reprezentantul ţării
Ifk România


   Kyokushin World Union - сильный союз, открытый для международных федераций Киокушина. Он уже имеет среди своих членов KWF (Люк Холландер), KAN (Хацуо Рояма) и IFK (Стив Арнейл). Ведутся переговоры по членству IKO (Мацуи) и Shin (Мидори).

Зачем? Причин две:

1. Во благо Киокушина.

Мы проводим соревнования, в которых участвуют представители всех школ, что позволяет добиться настоящей конкуренции, масштабности, зрелищных боёв и победы сильнейших.

2. Олимпийские игры.

Всемирный Союз Киокушина носит амбициозную цель - продвинуть Киокушин в Олимпийское Движение. Для этого нужна одна сильная и масштабная зонтичная организация, которая будет достаточно авторитетна, чтобы заявить: Мы представляем собой мировой Киокушин.

On October, 12th, 2011, in Moscow there was kept the Founding Conference of the Kyokushin World Union (KWU).
There were leaders of international organisations: IFK, KyokushinKan International, KWF (EFK), KF (Kyokushin Foundation), as well as RKA (Russian Kyokushin Association) as one of co-founders of the Union. Hanshi Arneil, Kancho Royama, Shihan Hollander, Kenji Sugekawa have have participated in the Conference. Shihan Yuri Trutnev was the chairman during the conference. In addition, the leader of the Bulgarian Federation of Kyokushin karate-do, Ivo Kamenov was invited as well as administration of WKO and IKO.

As it was stated earlier, - the decision to create a World Union was made during the International Conference “Kyokushin in the modern world”, which was kept in Moscow, March, 28, 2011. The World Union establishes a very ambitious aim – to enter international sports union “SportAccord” as a separate sport, and through this way to become an active participant in the world of sport martial arts, united by five Olympic rings.
Today it is already obvious that this historical step is consolidating the world’s Kyokushin, uniting separate international organisations, basing on principles of equality into a single international sports federation.
It is expected, that already in this year the Kyokushin World Union will be registered in the Olympic capital of the world – the city of Lausanne.

Organising Committee of the Founding Conference of KWU
