"Good Ol' Days" by Ray Hughes Imprimare
Vineri, 09 Decembrie 2016 14:15
     I often run into "old karate guys" who say how great karate was back in the "Good Ol' Days."  They reminisce how karate was "real" back then, saying it's just pretty now. I must admit, I sometimes start to fall into that same trap.  However, when I really think about it, I'm not sure how great karate was back in the day.     
Yes, the punches and kicks were harder. Some would say it was lack of control and not necessarily skill.  But we knew exactly how hard we were hitting; lack of control had nothing to do with it.
It was more basic back in the 70's, definitely no hook kicks at that time. I do believe there is a strength and hardness that comes from real beatings that does not develop from extreme control.  However, to negate today's karate just because of that is a stretch.
Kata back then was strong, but not flashy.  Some feel the flash has made kata weaker. Though there may be something to this, today's kata at the top level looks pretty impressive to me.  Has the bunkai been minimized for the development of showmanship, yes.  But the foundation of movement is well developed and the effectiveness of kicks, punches, and blocks are sound.  This will be argued till the cows come home.
Two thoughts leap to mind as I remember the "good ol' days".  First, there seemed to be more fat karate instructors during that time.   I could be wrong, I was young and in youth condition and maybe the overweight instructors just seem to jump out more.   The other was the overwhelming amount of arrogance; it was way over the top. This feeling may have come from us low level student simply looking up at high ranking instructors. Though we still have arrogant instructors today, it doesn't seem as bad.
One final thought, I remember an extreme judgmental attitude of those of one style towards those of another.  Today, most of us realize that there are strengths and weaknesses in all styles and systems.  We are much more forgiving of others who have picked the wrong style.
Every generation feels they had it harder than the last. Today's generation rolls their eyes when they hear us old guys talk about the past. But they in turn will do the same when they get older. It's in our human DNA.
Today I've learned to appreciate our youth and enjoy watching them train and compete. I also enjoy reminiscing about the "good ol' days" and thankful my mind is lying to me about how good it was.
Keep kicking and punching, they say wisdom will come from it.   I'm still waiting.
Take care. 
Ray Hughes
Scottsdale Martial Arts Center